[No.589] 無題 From: 2004/04/08(星期四) 01:24:30 [MAIL]


[No.589 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:CK Yin 2004/04/08(星期四) 02:58:43 [MAIL]

Me too.

[No.589 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/04/30(星期五) 21:38:36

I will send the song words of 百萬軍中藏阿斗 to A-Lap but I don't whether it is sung by "李龍".

[No.589 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/04/30(星期五) 21:41:54

Please note my reply "I don't whether" should be " I don't know whether".

[No.589 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/05/02(星期日) 02:44:33

湛 & CK Yin:



[No.656] Request Song word From:Ck Yin 2004/04/26(星期一) 06:51:41 [MAIL]

將 相 和


[No.656 回覆] 回覆:Request Song word From:阿立 2004/04/26(星期一) 11:06:39

I have put the song in request list.

[No.656 回覆] 回覆:Request Song word From:ck yin 2004/04/28(星期三) 01:37:49 [MAIL]

Thanks, please add"百 萬 軍 中 藏 阿 斗" to the request list.

[No.656 回覆] 回覆:Request Song word From:阿立 2004/04/29(星期四) 07:17:46

The song has added in requested list.

[No.656 回覆] 回覆:Request Song word From:CK 2004/05/01(星期六) 00:27:49 [MAIL]

Thank you very much for providing such wonderful web site for the Cantonese Opera lovers around the world.

[No.662] 無題 From:KK 2004/04/29(星期四) 15:15:54



[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:孤舟 2004/04/29(星期四) 21:30:45

是不是文千歲所唱的我不知﹐ 但此曲詞跟原唱者陳笑風所唱一模一樣。
不但此曲詞, 招魂曲詞也是一樣照抄原譜。

[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:初哥 2004/04/29(星期四) 21:32:13

文千歲所唱的曲本全改了歌詞的,包括 ( 狄青闖三關、雲夢繞山河 ),所以唱社團粵曲的學員多留意。

[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/04/30(星期五) 00:09:07


[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:孤舟 2004/04/30(星期五) 00:42:07


[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Danny 2004/04/30(星期五) 18:28:09

如有興趣欣賞大哥風獨唱曲者,請到以下港台重溫節目,包括有「 朱牟回朝之招魂 」「 山伯臨終 」「 唐明皇月殿重遊 」「 情僧偷到瀟湘館 」http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/radio5/tconight/20040307.html

[No.662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/04/30(星期五) 22:38:46


[No.668] 無題 From:KK 2004/04/30(星期五) 21:41:08

Please note my reply "I don't whether" should be " I don't know whether".

[No.664] 無題 From:sally 2004/04/30(星期五) 00:31:27

could anyone please tell me why every time the song word page says Excel, when I open it all I can see just all a a a a a a, no words at all, but when it says word, I had no problem to see the song words

[No.664 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KELLY 2004/04/30(星期五) 20:14:21

Please check whether you have installled the software of MS Excel.

[No.667] 無題 From:和尚 2004/04/30(星期五) 19:36:05


[No.663] 修正《司馬琴挑》 From:KELLY 2004/04/30(星期五) 00:23:32



(1)第5頁,Cell AA111 漏了一「叮」,請代點上。
(2)第8頁,Cell M181 漏了一個「有」字,亦請補上。謝謝。

[No.663 回覆] 回覆:修正《司馬琴挑》 From:阿立 2004/04/30(星期五) 15:57:34


[No.655] Opera Course From:Money 2004/04/26(星期一) 00:32:50


Do u know any opera school that learning lession held in the daytime ? Anybody can tell me? But i am a beginner.

[No.655 回覆] 回覆:Opera Course From:阿立 2004/04/26(星期一) 11:26:52

1) If you just want to learn singing opera song , pls refer to 相關網頁 click 韻文粵劇學苑 click 油尖康體粵曲班. There is lesson in daytime.
2) Also, you can refer to 鳳飛翔曲藝劇苑 in 相關網頁.
3) 留言 N0.618

[No.655 回覆] 回覆:Opera Course From:牛嫂 2004/04/26(星期一) 22:44:20 [MAIL]

If you just want to learn the elementary skill of singing opera, you're welcome to come to us(my husband and me),we have the experience to teach the beginners especially the elder aged and the kids

[No.655 回覆] 回覆:Opera Course From:Josephine 2004/04/29(星期四) 10:16:12 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

Is it possible to translate some of your text into English especially item 1, 2, 3 & 5 in your Ah Lap Yuet Kook Tin Teh??? It will really helps those people like me (yeong ku!!) that what our local CO singers called those who dont know chinese but enjoy the art as much as them! hehehehe

[No.655 回覆] 回覆:Opera Course From:阿立 2004/04/29(星期四) 21:15:21

Since translation from Canton Opera song is a great project, I think I can't fulfill your expectation, at least, in this moment.

[No.649] 寄歌給您 From:蝶影 2004/04/22(星期四) 23:24:06 [MAIL]


[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:阿立 2004/04/24(星期六) 23:00:47

"紅樓夢之葬花"我錄了之後會 email 給妳,不過我有的版本質素頗差,而且,近半小時的曲需三至四 Mbyte容量,希望妳的郵箱OK.

[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:蝶影 2004/04/24(星期六) 23:49:39 [MAIL]

我已看過jetAudio的使用方法,但到了最後的部份,便發覺這個軟件不大適合我,因我不懂怎樣將錄音機的output連接到電腦sound card l的 line in,於是我便下載另外的real encoder,但連續試了幾次,都只顯示"要我關掉一些程式,和另外有人同時進行下載"的意思的英文字句,所以至今仍未能下載成功!如果我仍然想寄曲給你,我該怎辦?

[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:阿立 2004/04/25(星期日) 08:57:08

無論用任何錄音軟件,都要解决曲的輸入的問题,Jetaudio和 Real Encoder都是一樣。每一張 Sound card,都應有 line in,妳在電腦後面插喇叭的地方應可找到。
Real Encoder安裝不到,我估計可能妳有RealPlayer的程式在應用中,必須先關掉,而且在電腦右下方有關 Real Player的 icon亦須關掉。
九 龍 中 央 郵 政 局 郵 政 信 箱 7 2 6 9 7 號
阿 立 粵 曲 天 地 收

[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:蝶影 2004/04/25(星期日) 12:34:49 [MAIL]


[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:阿立 2004/04/25(星期日) 23:03:02


[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:蝶影 2004/04/26(星期一) 22:38:10 [MAIL]


[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:阿立 2004/04/28(星期三) 17:00:13

請 click 下列連結下載:



[No.649 回覆] 回覆:寄歌給您 From:蝶影 2004/04/28(星期三) 22:37:22 [MAIL]


[No.661] 風流夢 From:Kid 2004/04/28(星期三) 22:02:30 [MAIL]

多謝阿立及A Ming幫忙, 如有風流夢歌詞, 煩請email給我

[No.660] 無題 From:jojo 2004/04/28(星期三) 19:53:30 [MAIL]


[No.658] why..... From:abc 2004/04/28(星期三) 15:23:27


[No.658 回覆] 回覆:why..... From:蝶影 2004/04/28(星期三) 16:22:37 [MAIL]


[No.657] 非常開心見到曲詞集重開 From:eilee chan 2004/04/27(星期二) 16:59:10 [MAIL]


[No.648] Re-open From:Fans 2004/04/22(星期四) 17:31:54


Thanks reopen the Songs Word Sheet, Thanks u and A lam make a right decision to every opera fans, keep it up. We support u, i love u both.


Alap, do u have the Shum King Tong words sheet. And what is the story about? Anybody know?

[No.648 回覆] 回覆:FANS From:丫頭 2004/04/22(星期四) 18:18:33 [MAIL]

Do you mean Jaam ging tong? It is about story of Ng Hon. Sun Ma Tsai already sung this opera long ago entitled "yat ba chuen jung gim". Do you know that?

[No.648 回覆] 回覆:Re-open From:阿立 2004/04/25(星期日) 09:55:00

Your wanted word sheet is「斬經堂」?

[No.648 回覆] 回覆:Re-open From:Fans 2004/04/25(星期日) 23:38:18

A lap,

u are right, where can i get this song,

[No.648 回覆] 回覆:Re-open From:阿立 2004/04/26(星期一) 11:04:59

I have put it in request list.

[No.652] 無題 From:KID 2004/04/24(星期六) 00:09:03 [MAIL]

請問有冇風流夢歌詞, 如有, 請電邸給我, 可以嗎

[No.652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2004/04/24(星期六) 23:06:16


[No.652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:A-Ming 2004/04/25(星期日) 09:33:34

I know my friend had the word pages. Let me ask them. Wish me luck !

[No.652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2004/04/25(星期日) 09:55:58

Thanks A-Ming!

[No.654] 龍的傳人 From:方苑芬 2004/04/24(星期六) 18:51:51 [MAIL]


如有, 請電邸給我, 可以嗎

[No.654 回覆] 回覆:龍的傳人 From:阿立 2004/04/24(星期六) 23:08:44


[No.650] 網主 : 請問~~ From:曲友 2004/04/23(星期五) 10:19:41

本人現想學此曲, 但苦無曲譜.
請幫忙, 謝謝

[No.650 回覆] 回覆:網主 : 請問~~ From:阿立 2004/04/24(星期六) 23:03:58


[No.653] 無題 From:pecky 2004/04/24(星期六) 11:21:12

阿立, 阿藍 :

曲詞集能重開, 很開心, 謝謝你們

阿立: 請收 e-mail

[No.651] 求你~~~ From:p.6同學 2004/04/23(星期五) 17:52:04 [HOME]



[No.630] 曲詞集暫時開放通告 From:阿立,阿藍 2004/04/19(星期一) 22:30:04


[No.630 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集暫時開放通告 From:sam 2004/04/22(星期四) 22:51:07

commonsense prevail

[No.643] 無題 From:KELLY 2004/04/20(星期二) 22:39:04



[No.643 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2004/04/21(星期三) 21:27:16


[No.647] 歌詞集 From:CWY 2004/04/21(星期三) 19:34:08 [MAIL]


[No.646] 多謝重開曲詞集 From:Danny 2004/04/21(星期三) 12:13:01 [MAIL]



[No.645] 無題 From:Josephine Cheong 2004/04/21(星期三) 10:01:04 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

Thanks a million for re-opening the lyrics section again.

[No.635] 無題 From:sally 2004/04/20(星期二) 02:38:27

please check word page #5016 because #5016 is the same as #5015, it must be a mistake

p.s. thank you for re-open the song-word page, this is the best things to do for all our chinese opera song lovers. thanks again A-lap and A-nam

[No.635 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:A Lap 2004/04/20(星期二) 20:55:57

The item corrected. thank you.

[No.642] congratulations From:simon hung 2004/04/20(星期二) 20:13:31

i am a new comer, very happy to see the
reopen of song words page, it is a good action!

[No.641] thanks From:Wah 2004/04/20(星期二) 18:07:09 [MAIL]

thankyou very much re-opening

[No.640] 第五台 From:曲迷 2004/04/20(星期二) 14:33:59


[No.639] 無題 From:AMY 2004/04/20(星期二) 13:35:02 [MAIL]


[No.638] 好事 From:亞珠 2004/04/20(星期二) 13:22:15 [MAIL]


[No.637] Re-opening of 曲詞集 From:丫頭 2004/04/20(星期二) 12:43:53 [MAIL]

Congratulations to the Re-opening of 曲詞集。Most thankful to 阿立和阿藍’s decision. 衷心感激,如果有慶祝會更好!!


[No.636] 曲詞 From:Ice 2004/04/20(星期二) 11:11:53 [MAIL]

Happy to see it again.
Keep going !

[No.634] 無題 From:KK 2004/04/20(星期二) 01:44:37



[No.633] 無題 From:A-Ming 2004/04/20(星期二) 01:18:44 [HOME]

I'm glad to see the Song-Word page re-open too.

A-Lap & A-Larm

Thanks for your kind decision !!

Love you both !!

[No.631] Great! From:花月蓉 2004/04/19(星期一) 23:58:29

I'm very glad to see that <曲詞集> is finally back! Thank you!

[No.604] 無題 From:几威 2004/04/11(星期日) 13:25:09


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Annie 2004/04/11(星期日) 13:59:52

几威 :

[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:几威 2004/04/11(星期日) 15:01:13


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Danny 2004/04/11(星期日) 23:21:10


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:几威 2004/04/11(星期日) 23:33:31

Danny :

[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:几威 2004/04/13(星期二) 01:18:37


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:AMY 2004/04/13(星期二) 13:11:43 [MAIL]


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:几威 2004/04/16(星期五) 03:04:06


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:南軒 2004/04/16(星期五) 03:56:32


[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:pk 2004/04/17(星期六) 10:09:51 [MAIL]

蓋 鳴 暉 、 吳 美 英 's VCD is also available

[No.604 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:几威 2004/04/19(星期一) 23:20:15


[No.629] 何時重開曲詞集 From:sumela wan 2004/04/19(星期一) 21:04:46


[No.629 回覆] 回覆:何時重開曲詞集 From:Fans 2004/04/19(星期一) 22:28:45


Me too, would u consider to open again for a short period. then we can download the songs what we want. Thanks

[No.628] 可惜 From:Tak 2004/04/19(星期一) 18:49:40 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.627] why From:Wah 2004/04/18(星期日) 17:45:33 [MAIL]


[No.627 回覆] 回覆:why From:AMY 2004/04/19(星期一) 13:05:35 [MAIL]


[No.626] 百万军中藏阿斗〕曲词 From:Lam 2004/04/18(星期日) 13:22:10 [MAIL]

email pls

[No.607] 無題 From:CHEUK先生 2004/04/12(星期一) 15:06:28 [MAIL]



[No.607 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2004/04/13(星期二) 20:59:28

CHEUK先生, Fans:
我從未聽過林家聲的講座,不知 Fans 曲友在那篇筆記得知呢?

[No.607 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Fans 2004/04/17(星期六) 12:18:05


It is a Lam Ka Sing interview in the RTHK chinese opera programme, right? not the "jiang zuo". Do u mentioned it before in ur diary. I want to listen.

I hope u can supply more old interview in ur web.
It is very interesting. I love to hear and share their opera experience.


[No.607 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:A Lap 2004/04/17(星期六) 20:21:31

I have no idea about the interview. Can you tell me what is the notes number you saw in 學曲筆記 ?

[No.607 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:2277 2004/04/17(星期六) 22:37:16 [MAIL]

Please note the date and time.


[No.621] 第五台 From:曲迷 2004/04/16(星期五) 21:25:43


[No.621 回覆] 回覆:第五台 From:曲迷 2004/04/17(星期六) 20:36:30


[No.621 回覆] 回覆:第五台 From:曲迷 2004/04/17(星期六) 20:37:33


[No.621 回覆] 回覆:第五台 From:pk 2004/04/17(星期六) 22:35:27 [MAIL]


I suggest to e-mail HK Radio station's customer service for help.

It is working where I am.

[No.609] 無題 From:Singapore Friend 2004/04/13(星期二) 05:32:21 [MAIL]

1.Please advise as to get access to lyrics.....PIN.

2.Are we trying to "kill" 粤曲 ?The reason why we get into this webpage is because of the love for 粤曲。。。right? So, I am appealing to you to stop quarrelling.
Personal differences should be settled privately. Maybe, if you can afford, hire a public stage and debate vocally where you can meet face to face to settle your differences. You may say that you don't eat chillies, but many others do. Your father likes to sleep with your mother. It does not apply that others would want to sleep with her too. My GOD! Do you need to force others to like what you like? We are civilised, aren't we? So, please, give 阿立 a break. Thank you. And my apologies if I seem to be offensive.

[No.609 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Al 2004/04/17(星期六) 06:17:13 [MAIL]

Dont'get mad.

[No.517] talent and basics From:Sam Wong 2004/03/15(星期一) 20:41:40 [MAIL]

Most opera singers start at middle age without previous singing experience. They often have no sense of rhythm. They usually have no basic knowledge in music. Yet they like to perform very soon after they learn a song.........

I suggest newcomers to really put in some hard work on learning the basics and listening to good pieces rather than wanting to sing with them so readily.

If you cannot sing in tune, and cannot get the rhythm correct you cannot build any further on your hobby

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:CK Yin 2004/03/16(星期二) 07:08:07 [MAIL]

Practice makes perfect. We should encourage the new learners instead of critizing them. Singing is a hobby, a way to release stress, to make oneself feel good.

Keep up the good work, new learners!

CK Yin

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:丫頭 2004/03/20(星期六) 12:57:16 [MAIL]

It is really good comments of Sam and CK. Both are correct. On the one hand singing is a habbit and a way to release our tension, on the other, unless your are singing songs with only yourself, I think you should respect your partner and should not sing with him/her if you have no confidence especially when both of you are paying for the singing. Besides, it is not only a matter of money but also the time of your partner should be treasured.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:sam wong 2004/03/21(星期日) 22:40:58

Practice makes perfect

practise the wrong thing never make it perfect.
People think that just keep singing the same song woudl improve their singing. It does not. It only get you into deep deep bad habit and cannot get out. Need to feel for the melody, feel for the timing.

Bad singing really is bad. bad for the partner, bad for the musicians and bad for the audience.
People who just enjoying singing and not even care to improve would be the ones no one want to sing withthem. If that is you....then think and reflect

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:sam wong 2004/03/21(星期日) 22:51:37

only trying to encourage new comers to take their first step n the right path. Good luck!

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:billy 2004/03/22(星期一) 04:26:54 [MAIL]

sam wong 說得很對,
不過現在的人唱粵曲只是在娛己愚人, 要學基本知識談可容易, 我估計現在的教粵曲師傅, 有些都不懂粵曲的基本知識, 只是教人唱歌, 學唱者也十分滿意, 不要太過執著吧, 喜歡便唱幾句. 管它甚麼梆黃上下句, 管它收合收尺, 也不要執著於曲詞的好壞, 唱得出口便好了,

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:Haha 2004/03/23(星期二) 00:57:32

Sam Wong is right.

At least 95% of the singers should have get hold of the basic knowledge and singing techique in cantonese opera songs and should also practised more and worked harder for at least a couple of years before they could perform publicly.

It would be better if they could get some sort of recognition or certification.

But this should apply to all including yougsters and not only middle-agers.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:CK Yin 2004/03/23(星期二) 02:39:28 [MAIL]

There is NO right or wrong!

This is a matter of option. I respect yours and thank you for respecting mine.

It depends on where the "performent" takes place. If one performs in a private group with friends and teacher, one should feel free to "perform". Real friends will understand and support you with love.

On the other hand if a person is not ready, should not perform in "public"

I love Billy's 娛己愚人. I hope I am not 愚己愚人.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:大夫 2004/03/23(星期二) 16:53:34

Sam Wong 說的很對. 初學唱歌者最重要是把基本弄好. 但我覺得這不是 Billy 的要求.

Billy 要求的懂得結構和唱腔, 那是中級的學問, 對初學者是貪心了一點. 初學者要把握好的是要求音準,拍子穩, 呼吸, 和發聲.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:Joey 2004/04/05(星期一) 12:58:28 [MAIL]

Hello Brother Lap,

I agree with the above discussions. I like to learn more about the basic steps of singing. Our association is basically accompanying us only. Where can I obtain the actual basic steps beside HK and China?

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:Kwan 2004/04/13(星期二) 12:18:03

Quote "practise the wrong thing never make it perfect.
People think that just keep singing the same song woudl improve their singing. It does not. It only get you into deep deep bad habit and cannot get out. Need to feel for the melody, feel for the timing."

What about熟能生巧?

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:熟能生巧 From:sam 2004/04/13(星期二) 23:42:37

can anyone play the piano by themselves and become a 'proper' pianist, or a carpenter, or.....
that is why there are schools and colleges, extramural studies etc.....
That is why we call them professional becasue they can teach us how to learn.

yes, a lot of people can 熟能生巧. Usually they are talented in that area to suceed by 熟能生巧. Otherwise it can take a long long time before any achievement can take place.

All I am saying is that if one tries to learn Chinese oera, and any kind of music for that matter one should learn to 'Read' music, not just by imitation, pure memory or talent. You can leave all the knowledge as discusse in 學曲筆記 to people who write the opera. For a singer without the skill of reading music, 12345 or other form 'kung check' etc he or she cannot build on their hard work.

You must be able to see that that it is happening everywhere. People are learning a song, one by one. How many can 'gradute' and starting singing new song by themsel;ves????????They are forever a studnet of their si fu. Forever paying to learn another new song.

熟能生巧 does not apply to most people.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:大夫 2004/04/14(星期三) 03:02:35

熟能生巧 only applies to when one are doing things correctly.
If you are not doing/singing correctly, the more you practice, the longer you practice, the more difficult it is for you to correct your mistakes.
People who can not get in tune or get the correct beat will have a hell of a time trying to change the more they practice incorrectly- because the longer they stay that way, the more they feel it is correct.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:Kwan 2004/04/14(星期三) 06:48:49

Quote: "can anyone play the piano by themselves and become a 'proper' pianist, or a carpenter, or....."

Certainly, that is why they have those Life-time DIY (do it yourself) books. I guess the difference is length and depth, apart from public recohnition (certificate, diploma, etc.)

I have another thing here. How about learning from imitation. A lot of people do that.

When you live at the edge of the globe, Cantonese opera teacher is the rarest thing around. First learning by imitation. Then you have the basic and then we talk about 熟能生巧.

Quote "People who can not get in tune or get the correct beat will have a hell of a time trying to change the more they practice incorrectly- because the longer they stay that way, the more they feel it is correcte".

This is the sheer lack of insight on the part of the person under discussion and has nothing do with the methodology.

I hope I am not ofending those" properly trained" in Schools of Performance Arts.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:sam 2004/04/14(星期三) 22:23:34

How about learning from imitation. A lot of people do that.............and a lot of people can not sing a single song without making bad mistakes.

First learning by imitation. Then you have the basic ....................may not correlate

anyway so be it. happy singing

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:CK 2004/04/17(星期六) 00:37:16 [MAIL]

We are comparing oranges and apples.

There are people who can learn on their owns. There are people who just can't learn.

There are people who like to do every thing perfertly.
There are people who just don't care.

There are people have and willing to spend lots money in opera.
There are people don't have or unwilling to pay for opera lessons.

There are people who love to perform in front of public.
There are people have stage fright.

There are have the so call "talent and basics"
I don't.

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:Kwan 2004/04/17(星期六) 06:35:39

Dear CK,

I couldn't agree with you more. I rest my case.

Rock on

[No.517 回覆] 回覆:talent and basics From:CK 2004/04/17(星期六) 06:51:42 [MAIL]

Thanks, Kwan!

Big thanks to Al Lap to create this wonderful web site.

Thank you to freedom of speech.


[No.600] to qq From:sam 2004/04/10(星期六) 21:44:17

I am saying exactly that.
Money is the start of all evil. I definitely disagree with the big gifts 100%

I also do not really go along with the little fees. I know that that is the way it is. I would rather get together with friends, improve the singing and enjoy each other's company rather than go there, sing a song, feeling good and start bitching about each other. I am afraid that this is happening here in most clubs. I think this is also the picture elsewhere. As i said if a club is advertised as money making club then it is fair to charge anything. But I myself would feel that I play to make a living rather than to enjoy a weekend pastime.

i am not upset either. DOn;t let the recent events colour our enjotment of this fantastic website. WOrds can be deceiving at times. but 'long road show the horse' we would soon know who can hold a friendly discussion and who cannopt. so don't worry.

[No.600 回覆] 回覆:to qq From:Kwan 2004/04/13(星期二) 12:08:49

I read with intesrest that we share most of the sentiments. The thing is: it is ok for us to pay someone to render a service, that is accompanying.

Now for the better musicians, I think it is their God given right to charge as much as the market could bear but should not seek more reward by pretending that they can provide more than accompanying.

If they, the properly trained musicians, want to charge us money to teach us stuff, we sure should give them a lot of respect apart from money. 君不聞「有事弟子服其勞,有酒食, 先生饌」乎?

However, one thinks that the teacher's obligation is 「一視同仁, 有教無類」矣。To encourage diferential treatment by accepting "red packet" is unconcionable. But, not all trained musicians stands on the same high moral ground as 孔夫子


[No.600 回覆] 回覆:to qq From:sam 2004/04/13(星期二) 23:46:00

my limitation in Chinese literature does not allow me to return a comment.....:)

[No.600 回覆] 回覆:to qq From:大夫 2004/04/14(星期三) 03:11:30

The practice of paying for singing started from Hong Kong and is now the general practice all over the world. I can not say it is bad since that is not the issue.

Most clubs without a wealthy sponsor will need money to maintain the club anyway. whether it is from dues, contributions, or whatever.
I think the issue is how much those fees are and how are they used. I do know some clubs who charge very little like a dollar for a song and use some of those income for the club's rent. Others charges a lot and use most of the income to pay the musicians(in which cases, the musicians are full time employee of the club). As long as there is a market for them, I see no problem for it either.

[No.622] 多謝 From:士工 2004/04/16(星期五) 22:26:06

多謝各路英雄指教 在粵曲和電腦我都是新丁但我會努力 有問題再向大家請教 再次多謝各位朋友

[No.601] 交友 From:士工 2004/04/10(星期六) 22:32:45 [MAIL]


[No.601 回覆] 回覆:交友 From:Fans 2004/04/11(星期日) 00:44:13


Are u the female singer, Here i am but i just start to learn singing. Hope u can give me some opinion how to sing well as a Female.

[No.601 回覆] 回覆:交友 From:士工 2004/04/16(星期五) 22:03:50

我唱歌是新丁 電腦也是 好幸運比我盲中中來到這裡得到你覆我 很高興也很抱歉 我不懂英文 要搵人翻譯 下次給我中文 謝謝 

[No.620] 曲词集 From:colleen 2004/04/16(星期五) 13:12:06 [MAIL]





[No.620 回覆] 回覆:曲词集 From:阿立,阿蓝 2004/04/16(星期五) 16:42:04


[No.618] 油尖康體笫一屆粤曲初級入門培訓計劃 From:油尖區康體體育會 2004/04/15(星期四) 20:14:27

日期:11/6/2004 - 27/8/2004 逢星期五
時間:晚上 7:00 - 8:30
收費:報名費 $50;全期 12 堂學費共 $ 450
地址:油麻地咸美顿街 38 號油尖康體體育會
電話: 2770 3797

[No.615] 曲紙符號求解 From:阿漢 2004/04/15(星期四) 11:44:38


1. 圓圈內有交,
2. 等邊三角型(尖頂向上)

不知何解, 望有前輩或阿哥阿姐賜教!!

[No.615 回覆] 回覆:曲紙符號求解 From:孤舟 2004/04/15(星期四) 14:18:03


[No.615 回覆] 回覆:曲紙符號求解 From:qq 2004/04/15(星期四) 15:17:43

圓圈內有交, 表 示 旁 邊 的音 符 包 鑼 鼓 。

[No.617] 無題 From:colleen 2004/04/15(星期四) 14:10:44 [MAIL]




[No.616] 無題 From:colleen 2004/04/15(星期四) 13:53:13 [MAIL]


[No.614] 無題 From:wpclement 2004/04/15(星期四) 04:59:11 [MAIL]

Ah Lap:
We are a group of Cantonese Song lovers. We pray and hope your wordsheet page would re-open soon!

[No.612] 曲詞集老師 From:小蔡 2004/04/15(星期四) 00:51:44


[No.554] 無題 From:屯門車王 2004/04/04(星期日) 04:06:40


[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞朱 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:44:56 [MAIL]

亞朱非常有興趣﹐請問可否 email 給我呢?

[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:屯門車王 2004/04/06(星期二) 02:38:54


[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞朱 2004/04/06(星期二) 09:05:44 [MAIL]


[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:屯門車王 2004/04/07(星期三) 04:18:44

立兄 唔好意思 借板一用







[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞朱 2004/04/07(星期三) 08:48:48


已經抄下了!非常感激......但....叮板 ??? 亞朱比較貪心哩^^

[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:蕭先生 2004/04/08(星期四) 21:35:34 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Kwan 2004/04/13(星期二) 11:56:58

我有一隻 係潤心師娘唱的. 有一知音人謂此乃最佳版本, 因其聲夠『拆」。

[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:蕭先生 2004/04/13(星期二) 13:15:08 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.554 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:kwan 2004/04/14(星期三) 10:50:56

潤心師娘唱 is a part of an album containing other artists singing Lam Yum and Lung Chow (Dragon Boat). The album is published by Hong Kong Commercial Radio in 1980 or 1979 to raise money for a certain charitable cause.

[No.606] 怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:士工 2004/04/11(星期日) 21:59:19 [MAIL]

希望有朋友能告訴我 謝謝

[No.606 回覆] 怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:丫頭 2004/04/12(星期一) 10:41:28

I also want to know badly. Please advise if anybody is aware of the method. Many thanks.

[No.606 回覆] 回覆:怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:孤舟 2004/04/12(星期一) 10:57:34

用視窗造字造出丁﹐板空板﹐空丁﹐及其他符號﹐ 打字時用內碼輸法入叫出。

[No.606 回覆] 回覆:怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:billy 2004/04/12(星期一) 13:45:03 [MAIL]

在視窗造字後, 到編輯, 選輸入法連結, 可以自己設定該字的輸入碼, 不一定要用內碼輸入法

[No.606 回覆] 怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:丫頭 2004/04/12(星期一) 15:03:40 [MAIL]



[No.606 回覆] 回覆:怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:孤舟 2004/04/13(星期二) 02:44:15

視窗造字英文是eudcedit.exe. You can find it in windows/system32. Highlight it to setup a short cut or just double click to open and start having fun. 唔難﹐但要用時間水磨。慢慢玩就會揾倒竅門啦﹗

[No.606 回覆] 在電腦上打出丁板 From:丫頭 2004/04/13(星期二) 13:51:48 [MAIL]

Many thanks indeed. I have found the program. Will follow the guide to try and create the "ding baan". Hope to become successful soon. Will let you know. Thanks again, most grateful!


[No.606 回覆] 回覆:怎樣在電腦上打出丁板 From:孤舟 2004/04/14(星期三) 08:35:45 [HOME]

You are welcome. A lot of things can be done using this program. I type all my lyric sheets using this method. go to my website and check out my work.

[No.611] 無題 From:AMY 2004/04/13(星期二) 13:01:31 [MAIL]



[No.610] 無題 From:AMY 2004/04/13(星期二) 09:43:41 [MAIL]


[No.608] 曲词集 From: 2004/04/13(星期二) 05:04:03 [MAIL]


[No.598] Songs From:Fans 2004/04/10(星期六) 11:22:44 [MAIL]


Do u have a song "Bei Pa Fa Ha qei Sun Chee" and the other is "Jum King Tong" who is the singer, what is it story?


[No.598 回覆] 回覆:Songs From:阿藍 2004/04/12(星期一) 11:31:13


[No.598 回覆] 回覆:Songs From:Flora 2004/04/12(星期一) 12:45:56


[No.598 回覆] 回覆:Songs From:Fans 2004/04/12(星期一) 21:57:21


Thanks Flora, she get the answer, then can u telll me the story about these two songs and the singers.

[No.596] Missing Programme From:Fans 2004/04/10(星期六) 10:23:22 [MAIL]


As i understand u had listen the Lam Ka Shing talk show when i read ur opera diary. Can u tell me when was the programme. I hope to listen to it.

Anyway, I fell so sorry for the tempory stop of word sheet. Because it is very conenience to fresh learners . What does it mean of code?

[No.596 回覆] 回覆:Missing Programme From:阿藍 2004/04/12(星期一) 11:25:28


[No.597] 無題 From:amy 2004/04/10(星期六) 11:15:55 [MAIL]


[No.597 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿藍 2004/04/12(星期一) 11:17:46


[No.602] 「白兔會」原唱的疑問 From:沈愚 2004/04/11(星期日) 00:11:53 [MAIL]



[No.602 回覆] 回覆:「白兔會」原唱的疑問 From:孤舟 2004/04/12(星期一) 07:54:18


[No.603] 無題 From:colleen 2004/04/11(星期日) 09:05:27 [MAIL]

Cathy :

"回覆:無題 留言者 : Cathy 2004/04/07(星期三) 23:56:33
很高興你有"願為蝴蝶繞孤墳"的曲詞, 可否email 比我?
或者fax 也可以, 請email聯絡.

Thanks a lot! "

但我不知你的E_MAIL 地址,可否告知?


[No.579] Accompanying Instrument From:Kwan 2004/04/07(星期三) 06:05:47

like in a litle place at the edge of the world. We have a small group of people trying to learn and sing Cantonese Opear. We need to do the accompanying ourselves.

Advantage? It is cheap. We don't have tpo pay and we can sing as much as we like. Hahahaha

We would like to have some discussion on that.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sam 2004/04/07(星期三) 22:22:53

The point is that if you say you are still LEARNING opera you sure you know how to accompany yourself , both from and technical and musical aspects.

But then I never understand why money is involved in most clubs.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:kwan 2004/04/08(星期四) 07:02:10

You got to be kidding me. Money is the thing that makes the world go round. Just ask around: how much does the clubs in Hong Kong charge for just one song?

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sam 2004/04/08(星期四) 22:20:44

I know
But if no one go there and sing then would be no need for musicians either.

Why you guys have to pay so much just to get a bit of relief....I could never understand that

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Rhonda 2004/04/08(星期四) 22:49:17

Hi, Sam

Please don't get me wrong, but I am curious to where are you living now. I live in a foreign country and believe me good musicians are very hard to come by. Less than 15 years ago, we did not have to pay any money to sing songs at the music clubs here. (That's when I started) All we had to pay was monthly club dues. Then one very musician moved to Hawaii and started charging for his time to play with us. Was it fair? Maybe, maybe not but he had no other way of making a living and he was and still is a very accomplished musician. There were 2 more like him that was playing for free and one was even a professional percussionist from China. There lies a problem for most clubs.. these (good) musicians were not obligated to show up on club nights. Believe me, it was not possible to sing when the other (so called) musicians did not know what they were doing. (Don't laugh, it's true) Especially if you are a beginner. You are not able to "lead" them.
Also, at that time because money was not involved a lot of favortism showed up. A singer could sing four songs while the rest of us, pacifier mouths, just sat and was lucky to get in a 10 min. song.

I'll continue more next time.. but Sam keep this in mind, if you want to get a bit of relief through singing, what does the musicians get out of it?

p.s. I started to learn how to play the 電元 then I started to play the saxophone and dabble with the percussions. Would I want to get paid for playing.. not at this time or anytime in the near future because I AM NOT GOOD. It's not easy playing an instrument.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sam 2004/04/08(星期四) 23:14:27

Dear rhonda.
I agree with some of the things you say. I am a musician. And with my name already shown many people here already know who i am. I am from Australia. And most of my friends and enemies(haha) also know my point of view.

If someone started a club and make it clear that they are there to make money....fine, pay and sing there.

But i know many clubs started by a group of people who get together and have fun. There and then I see no reason why the singers have to pay. They pay for the music and the food etc. I am sure this is true most places. They told me that the musicians spent time to accompany the singers. I woudl then put to you...the singers also spend time to sing for the musicians. They are there to have fun with each other...not for the other. I am a musician....sounds like I am ruining my future. hehe

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:sam 2004/04/08(星期四) 23:28:48


now that you have 'dabbled' with instruments you must realised that majority of the 'musicians' (referring to foreign places) are not good. they are there to make up the numbers. Like singers they like to perform as soon as they can hold an instrument. They get treated as a 'si fu ' already.......just have fun together. all get fun out of singing and playing instruemts, all are amateurs, all are there to pass the boredom. It is the money that ruin most clubs. I can promise you that 100% of these clubs have so many little circles that make the middle east ooking like child play. Let's share the msuic, share the lyrics, share the money, share the fun..............yeepee

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:sam 2004/04/08(星期四) 23:32:21

and rhonda

do not argue with me. I will cry!!!


[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:sam 2004/04/08(星期四) 23:50:54

only kidding

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Rhonda 2004/04/09(星期五) 01:43:45

Sweetie, I am not going to argue with you. What you say is fine and I can totally agree with you. But can you honestly say that without "good" musicians, a singer (amateur) can improve on their hobby?
I love the sharing the music, lyrics and socializing, but I want to improve too. I would not have taken up any musical instrument and playing with the "band" if my music teacher was not good. I spent 7 years learning to play... only in the last year was I able to accompany some "bong wong" without the 工尺譜。 The reason was because I began playing with the "good" musicians and they were willing to teach me and bear with me. LOL.
It was nice discussing this, more the next time.
...future topic? The middle way.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:kwan 2004/04/09(星期五) 06:30:59

So, like I said, for us who love to sing, we can also learn accompaying as well. It is especially true when you have to wait for your turn. Trying to follow the accomplished "musicians" would not only kill the boredom but one might also pick up something useful.

If oe does not wanrt to pay, there is always Karaoke

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sam 2004/04/09(星期五) 10:13:16

Trying to follow the accomplished "musicians" would not only kill the boredom...true

one might also pick up something useful....false. You would never pick up anything really useful..just gettingyourself in to bad habits that you would NEVER learn anything properly.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:sam 2004/04/09(星期五) 10:29:51

rhonda. you sound very genuine and hard working. Arguing with me only get us into having more fun. I am quite ok as a person i think. um.......
do not argue with me. I will cry!!!.........this is only tongue in cheek reflecting on the recent storm on this website.

without "good" musicians, a singer (amateur) can improve on their hobby?...definitely (million times) and I promise.

I spent 7 years learning to play... only in the last year was I able to accompany some "bong wong" without the 工尺譜。........Have you ever seen a child learning piano for 7 years and only strating to play by themselves?? Adult is no difference. I would say (without disrespect to anyone) that you are typical of the singers who want to play instruments. You did not start (for whatever reason) with the basics. Either the scale (five lines) the simple 1234567 or 工尺譜. You 'learn' by playing with people and the songs without understanding of what you are playing. I would only say that if you keep learning the way you are you woudl not go any further for another 7 years.
learn what music means.
learn what keys means
know exactly what you are singing or playing....
once you learn the basics and then play with your heart (100% based on your learnt basics) you are there!!

a friend of mine wanted to learn the 電元. I said i woudl start with the basics, teaching him the 1234567. He said he did not have time for that. Started to play the 'little songs' by himself. Now 3 years down the road he can play a few little songs without any variation(the most unique aspect of chinese opera music) and 1 out of 20 notes on bong wong. What a waste of time.

CHange your way of learning.
gee...getting long winded now.
learn it by memory you learn a song every 2 months and you know 6 songs in 1 year, 12 in two.
learn it properly you will find that you gain knowledge very slowly. you can play 2 songs after 12 months and all songs in 2 yerars. The choice is yours.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:亞珠 2004/04/09(星期五) 15:37:11 [MAIL]

kwan and others
我的英文不佳, 所以不能用英文表達,但你們喜歡粵曲,一定對中文有認識, 我記得60/70年代在香港學/唱粵曲是不用付錢的,唱完消夜都是大家夾的,原因是當時有部份音樂師傅(包括擊樂)來自越南 中國
新加坡等地, 他們因為政治或其他原因移居本港,他們來港後,多不是從事曲兿方面的工作,因此在工餘之時,聚集一些志同道合的人士一同玩音樂,但當時極之缺乏唱口,因此只要你唱得一兩, 他們都很高興和你拍和,所以當時不論唱或學習粵曲多是不需付錢的,即使要付,只是付曭o火蠟等瑣碎支出,即如現時移居外國的師傅一般, 在當地言語不通,人生路不熟,所以只有結交華人社區.............

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:kwan, sam & ah chu From:qq 2004/04/09(星期五) 16:22:23

Sorry my computer cann't type Chinese charater, please don't mind my English mistake.
a lot of Web-fans are from different place in this world, like me, I am living in U.S.A. I love this Web, we can share the idea about Chinese Opera and also we can know the different situation about the Chinese operate among the world. Anyway. back to your subject. the fee about singing. I think most place need to pay, now is getting more people like to sing Chinese opera for habbit, (not for living) and very hard to get a good musician, just like demand and supply, when demand is greater than supply, the people need to pay for singing. in other hand, the people want to pay music, they ask the singer to sing without pay. :-)
in my place, better music pay more money, etc.
the most expense is $50-$60 USD for one song about 25 minutes for 2 people. the cheaper is about 16.00USD, everage is expensive than Hong kong, beside the fee, some people have to buy gift and luck money (red poket) to music master, If you want to have a show, wa!!! very expense and suffer from pressure, the pressure could be from the master and the friends around, So, that is very hard to understand and unaccepable, right. I think it happen every where ..... Ha Ha

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Kwan 2004/04/10(星期六) 01:10:37

Hi, everyone,

Discussion is discussion is. No need to get upet when people disagrees with you.

I am quite sure that Cantonese Opera is a serious subject (heck, people get PhDs by resaerch the it) and we all should have due respect to those who spend years in learning the trade by going to Schol of Performing Arts, etc.

However, myself being an old guy, used to listen to Cantonese Opera since I was a child. So I earn by imitation: in terms of styles amd melody. I also try to play the tunes. I found it rather easy to pick up some of the tunes since I played in a rock and roll band and a quartet ensemble in my youthful days.

I guess there would be little to none facilities one can go to learn such stuffs, not adult education oriented, not one stating from scratch. SO what do we do?

I have no comment whether money should be involved in accompanying. But I guess if one needs high calibre muscian, paying is almost a must.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:qq 2004/04/10(星期六) 04:25:32

I am very agree with Kwan. We pay for Singing or acting both are fine. Just like we go to shopping or watching movies or go to restaurant have a tea time, right. get some good and health programme beside the routine job. good luck to all the fans and to Master Ah Lap & Billy.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sue 2004/04/10(星期六) 05:18:57 [MAIL]


[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:Sam 2004/04/10(星期六) 10:40:54

some people have to buy gift and luck money (red poket) to music master......culture!!

Discussion is discussion is. No need to get upet when people disagrees with you....hear hear!!

一?愿捱.........fantastic summation. Case rest.

[No.579 回覆] 回覆:Accompanying Instrument From:qq 2004/04/10(星期六) 13:57:29

Hi Sam,
Don't misunderstood, I am not upset, my feeling is calmful and very happy in touch of you guys, I just tell you the condition in my place. Again, gift and lucky money is tradiition and culture, but I am talking about fancy gift and big money like couple hundred US dollars or thousands. they usually give out these things to get the attention from their master. May be for me is too much, but, I refer to donate to some non-profit Associations, there a lot poor people and children in this world need our help.

[No.595] 打金枝 From:ranny lai 2004/04/09(星期五) 11:33:09 [MAIL]


[No.595 回覆] 回覆:打金枝 From:阿立 2004/04/09(星期五) 13:59:07

妳可以用自己 sound card 的錄音程式,或在「粵曲大笪地 」下載 jetaudio 軟件来錄至電腦。

[No.594] 打金枝 From:ranny 2004/04/09(星期五) 10:54:53 [MAIL]


[No.593] 沈園會 From:龍迷 2004/04/08(星期四) 22:54:30



[No.593 回覆] 回覆:沈園會 From:kwan 2004/04/09(星期五) 06:27:29

我看過一隻Karaoke蝶, 平是小神鷹, 子喉唔記得

[No.593 回覆] 回覆:沈園會 From:Flora 2004/04/09(星期五) 10:28:03


撰曲: 溫誌鵬

原唱: 梁樹根, 劉玉琴
再版: 小神鷹, 關群英

[No.592] 無題 From:ranny 2004/04/08(星期四) 20:39:41 [MAIL]


[No.592 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2004/04/08(星期四) 22:45:09

請到「電台粵曲欣賞」2004-01-29 日收聽。

[No.591] 問題 From:阿立,阿蓝 2004/04/08(星期四) 17:12:12


[No.590] Love your site From:荷蘭豆 2004/04/08(星期四) 12:38:51 [MAIL]

I love this site...
There are very few sites on the web, where lovers of Cantonese opera can meet each other, gather information or exchange ideas and techniques. Webmaster (ahlap) has done a wonderful job.
I live in the USA and have been singing this art form for over 12 years. My humble opinion is that the artist or composers of these songs are very happy that fans want to sing there songs because that means their songs are popular. Yes, there is money involved especially for those who gives the tape to someone who transcribe it to "musical notes" but with technology nowadays (copy machine, faxes, and the internet) there is not much anyone can do about the "copyright". I use to listen to songs and write down the words for myself to sing.. am I infringing on copyright? Not if I make money from it.
Ahlap and the rest of the wonderful people who make this website possible.. My best wishes to you and your endeavor to perpetuate this very traditional and wonderful artform. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

[No.590 回覆] 回覆:Love your site From:荷蘭豆 2004/04/08(星期四) 12:40:26

correction to above letter.

Not if I don't make any money from it.
Sorry about that.

[No.590 回覆] Love your site From:丫頭 2004/04/08(星期四) 13:43:22 [MAIL]

Totally agree. I think everybody who enjoys this site loves Ah-Lap, and respect him a lot for what he has done which brings us great enjoyment. Ah-Lp, please do not feel upset about the ill behaviour of certain people. You have the greatest support from us. Billy, you too. We respect your morality in giving your advice to us totally free. You both are great!

[No.564] 無題 From:collleen 2004/04/05(星期一) 14:11:40 [MAIL]





[No.564 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Cathy 2004/04/07(星期三) 23:56:33 [MAIL]

很高興你有"願為蝴蝶繞孤墳"的曲詞, 可否email 比我?
或者fax 也可以, 請email聯絡.

Thanks a lot!

[No.588] 這個網真的很厲害~ From:Wing 2004/04/07(星期三) 19:53:14 [HOME]


[No.587 回覆] 回覆:想賺錢嗎? From:新丁 2004/04/07(星期三) 16:19:20


我不知這位朋友用意何在, 但我認為與粵曲無關的議題不應在留言版討論!!

[No.568] A-Lap Cheer up !! From:Mimi 2004/04/05(星期一) 21:26:56 [HOME]

Dear A-Lap:

Your hard work we all appreciated. Please don't give up this website.

Please donn't let other opinion influrence your goal.

I'm sure that many people around the world appreciate your work and thanks for the word-page you set up for us.

Cheer up !!

We are waiting you re-open the word page soon.

[No.568 回覆] 回覆:A-Lap Cheer up !! From:Josephine 2004/04/07(星期三) 14:02:25 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

Finally, I understand what is going on (after reading the english text) I felt that song sheets should be free to "flow" around the cantonese opera fans. No doubt that HK and China fans can obtain these song sheets quite easily, I believe people like myself and amongst others will find it difficult to obtain what we want. I feel that your web page is of great help to us.
Please keep up with the good work and we really appreciate your kind and hard work


[No.586] 留言版失控 From:阿立,阿蓝 2004/04/07(星期三) 12:40:24


[No.586 回覆] 回覆:留言版失控 From:Haha 2004/04/07(星期三) 13:18:34 [MAIL]

I think Ah Lap is doing the right thing to stop the lyrics page & the 粵曲大笪地 for the time being. He is also right to stop the 'quarrel' among web-fans at this moment. As I understand it is infringement if the lyrics are distributed freely, as the case now it is, and it is also unlawful to perform publicly without a licence or authorisation from the onwer. As I understand, the government authorities might not initiate action on that but let the owner to make their claims.

I am not a lawyer and this is only my opinion. Anyone interested amy go the website at http://www.justice.gov.hk/cHome.htm

Ah Lap, as the web owner, should make clarification so as to protect himself and his web-fans as well.

[No.586 回覆] 回覆:留言版失控 From:Haha 2004/04/07(星期三) 13:22:44


I suggest Ah Lap should not only deletion 'rubbish' from now on but also the old ones so as to make this place clean.

[No.582] 責任問題 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 07:36:21

如果你們認為立兄關閉曲詞集, 立兄受傷害, 是因為我曾在這媯o表個人見解


真好, 我從來未試過有咁大影響力.

不過, 我可以告訴你們, 有份同我嘈的人都有份傷害立兄, 有份促成關閉曲詞集這件事.

因為獨力難支大廈, 眾志方可成城.

我一向喜歡玩, 有得玩, 打死都唔走, 難得咁多人一齊陪我, 反正玩死嘅係人地地方, 唔關我地呢班玩嘅人事, 大家大可以玩完, 拍下屁股, 仲可以懶正義話, 最衰係阿邊個囉.

玩死人地d野, 我一d都唔會心涼, 不過, 既然咁多人都一口咬定我係咁, 我唯有落力拍演, 滿足各位需要.

話又講番轉頭, 雖然我咁落力去成全各位意願, 我仲有些少良心, 會可憐下果個收拾殘局的人, 會檢討和承認下自己有乜野唔0岩.

唔知果d叫我問下自己做過乜野事之前, 有無撫心自問呢? 或者人地唔使撫心自問, 因為佢地一定無錯, 有錯一定係人地, 所有責任人地負責晒, 與佢地有何干係?

真好, 大家又一次成功地體驗群眾的力量.

[No.582 回覆] 回覆:責任問題 From:Weird 2004/04/07(星期三) 08:23:54

Do you have some kind of psychological disorder?

[No.582 回覆] 回覆:責任問題 From:Enuff is Enuff 2004/04/07(星期三) 09:03:51

Flora, SHUT THE F**K UP already. 這裡係阿立o既粵曲天地﹐ 唔係你街市婆叫罵D地方﹐要撒野自己開欄。請自重, 請尊重阿立, 請尊重其他網友。

[No.582 回覆] 回覆:責任問題 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 09:21:38


你地都唔尊重人, 我使乜尊重你地呀?

我已經話左, 想同我吵架, 另找地方囉, 你仲係度同我嘈, 係你唔自重, 唔尊重阿立, 唔尊重其他網友咋.

[No.582 回覆] 回覆:責任問題 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 09:34:27

Enuff is Enuff,

要講野就唔好藏頭露尾, 要講就講清楚, 唔好打埋d星星出來, 我d文化水平唔明粗口和星星月亮太陽士多啤梨橙之類的東西, 同人講野講到對方唔明, 你都好有問題.

你又知我係街市婆? 你成日係街市度出沒呀? 見過我係街市度咩? 你叫人自重, 你咪又係唔識自重.

你估你地鬧我就驚呀? 我依家就係為拗交而拗交, 你地話我乜我一定做到加零一, 請放心.


我唔係無誠意平息件事, 不過, 既然大家咁高興, 唔想停, 我唯有捨命陪君子. 騷擾寶地, 多有得罪, 但詢眾要求, 欲罷不能.

[No.582 回覆] 回覆:責任問題 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:48:07

爛口 Enuff,

Sorry! Sorry! 唔好意思, 誤會左. Bitch 原來係你嘅落款/簽名. 你唔使示範喇, 不如表演啦.

[No.583] 責任問題?????? From:大夫 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:30:43

WoW. Catfight. 這麼熱鬧, where is my pop corn? ............................(一笑)

STOP Please. 大家如果真的尊重阿立及這網頁. 那麼 ----
STOP please.

[No.583 回覆] 回覆:責任問題?????? From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:40:07


哈哈, 有人要攪事, 我不過捨命陪君子.

既然咁多人要玩, 我咪成全佢地囉, 我詢眾要求陪玩咋.

你段野咁幽默我點會睇唔到, 有人多此一舉轉載多一次分明係想撩事. 不過, 我畀面你, 大夫, 姑且算數, 再攪小動作, 我一定陪佢玩下.

[No.553] 澄清一點事情 From:billy 2004/04/04(星期日) 00:10:34 [MAIL]

當初在此地自誇, 說自己對粵曲基本結構理論深有認識, 可以開班教人的話, 只是一時氣憤之言, 我坐井觀天, 不知天下之大, 自誇自大, 可能誤導了一些朋友, 想看看我寫的筆記, 不是我吝嗇, 不願把筆記公開, 實情是, 我沒有接受過粵曲粵劇方面的正統教育, 所認識的東西, 全都是自己看書學回來的, 當中可能錯陋甚多, 也怕有高明人仕拿來指指點點, 所以暫時未敢把筆記放到網上讓大家看. 昨天幸運地有十位網友光臨寒舍, 聽我胡言亂道一番, 也有買下我一些筆記回去閱讀, 我想等我這個粵曲理論班完結的時候再問問那些看過我的筆記的網友, 看看他們覺得我這些筆記對大家是否有用,再決定是否把筆記放到網上. 如果他們認為我這些筆記是沒有用的, 我也不想在些佔用空間, 浪費網友的時間去閱讀. 所以一切還是留待日後再說吧

[No.553 回覆] 回覆:澄清一點事情 From:大夫 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:51:44

Billy 兄:
有的事是不需要太客氣. 我見過很多粵曲粵劇方面接受過正統教育畢業的行內演員, 音樂家等. 他們也不大懂這方面的知識. 只有撰曲者才有認識. 這是很可惜的.

很高興你有心開班, 希望你能對學生考試, 我是好奇--會有多少個能學成功,畢業, 堅持到底.

正如你所說,粵曲不一定有一本聖經, 有很多方面是還需要研究討論. 中國早廿多年前曾在這方面作過努力.但卻未能繼續, 以至今天會有行內人說:[ 花月影不是粵劇什麼是粵劇!]的話.

對未能跟Billy 學習者,也不用灰心, 自己看書是可以學到的, Billy 是如此學的. 我也是如此學的. 不過有人教確實比較容易. 看筆記, summary,等也比看書容易.

[No.553 回覆] 回覆:澄清一點事情 From:Flora 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:05:40


撰曲都唔一定識呀, 哈哈!

[No.553 回覆] 回覆:澄清一點事情 From:大夫 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:26:11

Flora: you said 撰曲都唔一定識呀, 哈哈!
我覺得這話不對. 我所認識及聽朋友所說, 真正的撰曲家都懂結構的,雖然有的不大深究,也有很多不曉音樂理論.
業餘的撰曲家或自封自叫的撰曲家,那是另一回事. 這些人中是有一批不懂結構,寫了一些曲詞亦不外文字遊戲的人.

[No.553 回覆] 回覆:澄清一點事情 From:Sandra 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:34:05

[第.583篇留言] 主題:責任問題?????? 留言者 : 大夫 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:30:43
WoW. Catfight. 這麼熱鬧, where is my pop corn? ............................(一笑)

STOP Please. 大家如果真的尊重阿立及這網頁. 那麼 ----
STOP please.

[No.553 回覆] 回覆:澄清一點事情 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 11:35:19


首先我係話"撰曲", 無話"撰曲家".

其他的無謂講, 曲聖王心帆從來不唱, 唐滌生唔識音樂, 所以我先會話"撰曲都唔一定識".

[No.580] Weirdo From:Weirdo 2004/04/07(星期三) 06:52:58

You're all weirdos!

[No.578] 無題 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 04:17:42



我不在 email 上講, 並不是保密與否的問題, 講得你0聽, 就信得你過. 只是, 因為我的電腦懷疑中了木馬, 所以我才將內容打在subject上, 免你開啟後有機會中招, 請諒.

何況, 就算我部腦沒懷疑中木馬, email 上也是有理說不清的.

想跟你談, 是因為想告訴你為什麼我會多心問蘭陵王曲詞的事, 因為這其中有些複雜, 公開說了出來, 怕會惹起另一些是非, 所以我一直都語焉不詳, 後來看到是朱姐贈曲, 我才鬆了一口氣.

而且, 我還想徵詢你的意見, 看你會否同意我代你聯絡蘭陵王作者, 嘗試取得他的允許和手稿, 讓你刊載部份(當然是朱姐贈曲那一部份, 否則最好得到朱姐首肯), 以表名正言順.

其實, 你不想談也是大家意料中事. 但很多網友認為我有必為向你交代一下我的立場和情況, 免你誤會, 畢竟這是你的地方.



也許你們會覺得我未盡全力去平息事件, 但我不會忍受不相干的人的謾罵, 肇事者的置身事外和扮好人.

[No.577] 荒天下之大謬 From:Flora 2004/04/07(星期三) 03:39:09

明知係唔0岩, 不過, 因為

1. 推廣
2. 有人需要
3. 無收受利益
4. 人人都咁做
5. 最主要都係因為我喜歡

所以人地講任何唔多0岩聽的野, 就要鬧番轉頭, 甚至食砒霜毒老虎.

邊個要鬧, 邊個要嘈, 有本事就直接搵我, 咪懶正義咁借人過橋.

[No.547] 無題 From:Sam 2004/04/03(星期六) 13:14:21

Where I live, a tiny corner on this earth, also has a few Chinese opera clubs. Instead of having fun, learning and improving on their singing the people also find all the excuses they can to argue, to bitch against and hating each other.
Funny that!!!

[No.547 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:大夫 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:07:07

welcome to the real world.

[No.547 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Sam 2004/04/06(星期二) 17:16:36

Shameful side of our culture!!!..the real world?

[No.547 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Sam 2004/04/06(星期二) 17:23:52

If i were AH-lap I would feel like 山伯 when 臨終.
Blood pouring from my mouth. Heart broken.
But I would not turn into a butterfly..........into a bat and haunt you all.
No..I would commit harikari........nugh! I am a CHinese.
I would just lean back and laugh and 'see how you die'...hahaha

[No.547 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Flora 2004/04/06(星期二) 23:09:24


我唔覺得表達意見有乜咁 shameful, 更 shameful 的事我都聽過/見過, 想聽嗎?

不過, 我唔會係度公開, 免得又影響人.

你咁好想像, 最適合撰曲, 感受一下撰曲的無力感.

至於, 山伯臨終, 又是另一個侵權的傳說, 不過我唔講囉, 因為你地接受唔到事實.

[No.574] 無題 From: 丫頭 2004/04/06(星期二) 18:04:30 [MAIL]

Dear Sam,

I tend to keep quiet although I keep watching what is going on. Because I am feeling frustrated at people's personalizing the matter, especially the attacks with very cruel addresses towards fellow web-friends. I like your "see how you die". I also pity brother Ah lap because this web gives me the impression that he is a very kind man and has enthusiasm in Cantonese opera. I just hope all web friends can keep calm and do not use anymore cruel addresses to harm others. Please let the matter die down and Brothers Billy and Ah Lap will feel better. Do not talk about copyright anymore. At the end of the day none of us is legally-talented enough to explain anything about intellectual property.

[No.574 回覆] 回覆丫頭 From:Sam 2004/04/06(星期二) 18:08:11

Good idea. Why do we just stop giving this kind of bad (to everyone) stuff a miss and give it no coverage. Shhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!1

[No.574 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Flora 2004/04/06(星期二) 22:38:45


Things are not what you think. I do not intend to hurt anybody. In the very beginning, I only want to remind people to cease their impoliteness.

Maybe some people will like to see other's death. I do not want anyone get hurt. Things, incliuded myself, now are uncontrolled. Obviously, someone but not the impolite people, got hurt now.

I will only apologize to Ah Lap because he is innocent.

[No.575] 曲詞集 From:阿立,阿蓝 2004/04/06(星期二) 20:21:16

有很多曲友留言或 email 要求密碼,但十分抱歉,若果我們將密碼分發給大家,那麼關閉「曲詞集」便毫無意義了。

[No.544] hi From:jojo 2004/04/02(星期五) 11:32:19


[No.544 回覆] 回覆:hi From:Sam 2004/04/03(星期六) 13:28:33

select 'stereo mix' on the recording window
select 'start' when you want to start recording

[No.544 回覆] 回覆:hi From:jojo 2004/04/05(星期一) 12:15:51 [MAIL]

Thanks for help, I will try it. If any problems encountered, could you help again?

[No.544 回覆] 回覆:hi From:Sam 2004/04/06(星期二) 17:20:17

no problem. jojo

[No.566] 曲詞集 From:阿立,阿蓝 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:42:53


[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:KELLY 2004/04/05(星期一) 18:22:06


《定風波》  蘇軾


[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Flora 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:40:33

立兄, 藍君:

我不會扮好人, 我只是認為你們關閉曲詞集是很愚蠢的行為, 因為這只是證明到有人挑撥成功, 而我則因為心直口快地答了一個什麼是非法網站的問題, 而被利用.

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Flora 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:59:01

為免再被人借題發揮, 我必須說明我對曲詞集的態度是中立, 我說的版權問題是我個人的認知和見解.

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Mimi 2004/04/06(星期二) 01:27:22 [HOME]


We could tell which one making waives.


I would back you up 100%.

Please don't give up.

GO ! Go ! go!

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Flora 2004/04/06(星期二) 03:42:06


We are free to think anything and free to express our own opinion. Nevertheless, what we think may not represent all. There are different opinions in the world.

我很高興這麼多人支持立兄, 言詞上和精神上的支持雖是好, 卻不比實際支持見成效.

雖我無法100%支持, 因為我不能越俎代疱地承擔所有版稅的支出, 道德上和法律上的責任, 雖然我不用曲詞集, 但我也有使用留言板, 只要立兄能提出證明有支付版稅, 只要立兄肯接受(因為我唔會自大到以為自己肯畀, 人地就一定肯收, 我肯付出, 我都會尊重對方是否肯接受), 我願意付出微薄的金錢 - 版稅中的一小部份, 作為支持尊重版權的實際行動, 雖然杯水車薪, 但希望集亦成裘.

力我就唔敢出喇, 因為真係承擔唔起. 不過, 我中立, 都肯出番一份微薄的金錢, 各位支持者一定願意比我付出更多實際行動.

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:CK Yin 2004/04/06(星期二) 06:00:32 [MAIL]

I am very sad!

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Kwan 2004/04/06(星期二) 07:44:10

I will suport you by sending you all my treasure.

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集/Kwan & A-Lap From:Mimi 2004/04/06(星期二) 08:13:47


Your make me smile from bottom of my heart.

You so lovely, I will send my support too.

(But notl all my treasure, I need some for myself too).

I'm start first.

Your support will come this week. Look for my mail.


[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:QQ 2004/04/06(星期二) 10:13:58

I been reading this Website for a year, this is my first time to joint the net meeting. I haven't study any law. but I think if this website is not making any commercial profit or purpose. that is not convicted any law.
in the otherword, some people use that for any kind of show to make profit or they make some change to the original and named as their own work, that is totaly wrong, eventhough there is no actual law to support. they should shame about it.
Anyway, there are a lot of people want to learn the Contonese opera, how can we know all the Singers or the wirters? If you know all of them, you are very luck, you must lliving in Hong Kong, but, I was wondering some artists are living in China or some of them already passaway, I really don't want to lose that.
We just calm down, don't say something too extremily. We try the best to support the Contese Opera, so this art can keep on from generation and generation.
For example like Master Ah lap & ah Lam

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:Haha 2004/04/06(星期二) 13:21:12

In addition to the placement of lyrics on the web, I think there is similar problem with the songs in 粵曲大笪地. I suppose Ah Lap is seeking advice on the lyrics and it would better include the latter as well.

[No.566 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集 From:大夫 2004/04/06(星期二) 16:09:08

唉...... 請你小心考慮.
有些事大家心知肚明,並不需什麼聰明人來指正. 我對你對粵曲的熱心及向各同好的支持,是很感動和無限的支持你. 不過這對你是沒有幫助的.
有些事說開了,便會變得很複雜. 有錢也不一定能解決. 不論外人怎樣說支持,最終的負責者還是你. 成功,人多的網頁,更容易樹大招風.

[No.559] 關於曲詞集密碼 From:leungkb 2004/04/05(星期一) 12:01:17 [MAIL]


[No.559 回覆] 回覆:關於曲詞集密碼 From:花月蓉 2004/04/05(星期一) 13:02:08 [MAIL]

I'd like to know the password as well. Could you email it to me please, 立兄?

Thank you!

[No.559 回覆] 回覆:關於曲詞集密碼 From:jojo 2004/04/06(星期二) 12:19:04 [MAIL]

Mr. Lap,

May I have the password, too?


[No.557] 关于制作简谱软件~ From:Candy 2004/04/04(星期日) 19:05:59 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:kanny 2004/04/05(星期一) 10:13:17 [MAIL]

Hello Candy,
How to enter to kanndi_2008@126.com?
if possible, please e-mail your copy to my email, I am very appreciated, thanks.

[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:思菩 2004/04/05(星期一) 11:08:50

Thanks Candy! 軟件太大﹐所以你給我的 email 我收不到。我己 download 了你的軟件﹐可惜﹐我的 PC 是英文系統﹐看不到這軟件的中文字﹐唉~

Here's the instruction:
go to www.126.com
put in the ID/PWD, go to the Sent box, click the download link next to that .rar file. Note: there's a bug in some OS version, if you click "Save" and it comes back right away, you'll then need to click "Open" once then click "Save" to download the file, which is ~4.7 M

[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:KELLY 2004/04/05(星期一) 16:29:11



[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:kanny 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:00:52 [MAIL]

I found the neteasy 126 web page,
I input Kanndi_2008@126.com, pass word 123456,
but was ejected. did I got the wrong Web site? wrong PassWord? wrong user name?
I am very sorry, please repeat and tell me how?
thank for a million. :-)

[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:kanny 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:10:39 [MAIL]

cann't find the WWW.126.com
please tell me more about that
thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:Ling 2004/04/05(星期一) 17:33:13



[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:Candy 2004/04/05(星期一) 19:25:49 [MAIL] [HOME]



[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:亞珠 2004/04/05(星期一) 22:27:01 [MAIL]


[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:Candy 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:42:20 [MAIL] [HOME]

用126. com有一个秘诀,请在按登陆前选择“简约风格”,而不要用“随心DIY”,这样进去以后就可以下载到你要的文件。

[No.557 回覆] 回覆:关于制作简谱软件~ From:kanny 2004/04/06(星期二) 10:23:13

Ah Ling & Candy, thank you very much for your information. I found the www.126.com is from Yahoo, before I sign from the regular Web search, that why cann't located.
Any way I sign in Kandi_2008 and PWD, but still cann't find the download link or .rar. file eventhough I enter to the mail site.

[No.573] Song Sheets and Copyright From:Kwan 2004/04/06(星期二) 07:42:22

I think it is ok to share song sheets among friends. As long as we are not making money we can stick to our practce. I have several books of song sheets. The author(s) never even pretend to acknowledge the intellectual property of anyone. If the authors insist that the site need to pay them loyalty, we can always cease and desist

[No.563] 有关密码 From:collleen 2004/04/05(星期一) 14:07:31 [MAIL]




[No.563 回覆] 回覆:有关密码 From:Connie 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:05:55 [MAIL]





[No.563 回覆] 回覆:有关密码 From:南海十三郎 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:21:39 [MAIL]


[No.563 回覆] 回覆:有关密码 From:wpclement 2004/04/06(星期二) 01:22:56 [MAIL]


[No.572] what happened From:Rose 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:10:09 [MAIL]

please let me have the pin for entering the lyric site. many thanks.

I have just returned home from trip and found that there was drastic change in this site, I do appreciate all the hard works of yours, and did enjoy visiting you site.

[No.571] 加油!加油!!! From:Candy 2004/04/06(星期二) 00:00:59 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.567] 錄音 From:jojo 2004/04/05(星期一) 20:51:51 [MAIL]


[No.567 回覆] 回覆:錄音 From:Candy 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:48:59 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.570] to Candy From:亞朱 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:34:13 [MAIL]

Candy, 你好!此亞朱不同彼亞珠哩^^.....只是﹐我也收不到簡譜製作軟件喎﹐不過﹐可能是軟件太大﹐電腦不能負荷吧!無論如何﹐謝謝你!

[No.570 回覆] 回覆:to Candy From:Flora 2004/04/05(星期一) 23:41:47

亞朱, 多謝你澄清.

[No.569] A-Lap 我全力支持你 From:亞珠 2004/04/05(星期一) 21:45:53 [MAIL]

我在此網頁學了很多有關粵曲的知識, 此留言版實在備受高度評價。I fully suport you!

[No.565] 無題 From:某君 2004/04/05(星期一) 15:48:45 [MAIL]




[No.562] 無題 From:josephine 2004/04/05(星期一) 13:24:37 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

I tried to open the lyrics column but some how I got into Yahoo. Why??

[No.464] lyrics From:Josephine Cheong 2004/02/24(星期二) 14:27:11 [MAIL]

I would furthermore appreciate if you could let me the the lyrics for "Hook Fun" - the last scene of Leong Chok where the lady Chok Ying Toi paid her respects to Leong San Pak

[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:阿立 2004/02/28(星期六) 09:17:29


[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:Josephine Cheong 2004/02/28(星期六) 10:42:55 [MAIL]

Yes, thank you very much. Sorry, I dont know how to write chinese. Still struggling to read chinese. Thanks alot - may I have these lyrics? Appreciate if you could reply in English so that I dont have to guess the words!

[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:Josephine Cheong 2004/03/15(星期一) 08:53:44 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

As mention the last time, please provide me with the lyrics for "Hook Fun". I need it quite urgently as my next project is the Butterfly Lovers and the performance is due in June. Thanks a lot.


[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:阿立 2004/03/15(星期一) 09:56:56

I haven't got the lyrics of "Hook Fun".
I hope other web friends can give me if they have.
By the way, please confirm your wanted song is the song broadcasted in 4/4/03. refer to 電台粵曲欣賞.

[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:Josephine Cheong 2004/03/16(星期二) 12:21:40 [MAIL]

Dear Brother Lap

Thanks alot for your help. I went thru the list but I found that the song was sung by Lam Fung. The one I wanted is sung by Mdm Lee Poh Ying.


[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:思菩 2004/03/16(星期二) 21:53:51

I think you want 願為蝴蝶繞孤墳! I do have this song sheets, however, it's written by my teacher, used straightly for his students, thus I can't release it. Maybe others can help you?!

[No.464 回覆] 回覆:lyrics From:Josephine 2004/04/05(星期一) 13:02:27 [MAIL]

Please......... can anyone help me????? please email to me at joeycheongml@hotmail.com or pur@norwest.com.my

Many many thanks

[No.561] Jetaudio From:Jack Li 2004/04/05(星期一) 12:49:00 [MAIL]



[No.560] 关于制作简谱软件 From:jojo 2004/04/05(星期一) 12:13:09 [MAIL]


Haven't received yet, could u pls re-send it?
Thanks a lot.

[No.551] 無題 From:Candy 2004/04/03(星期六) 21:31:46 [MAIL] [HOME]

思菩、門內漢、丫頭 、jojo、Ah Yau、Sam WOng,


[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞朱 2004/04/03(星期六) 22:16:48 [MAIL]

Candy, my email box had been cleaned. ^^Please send me again. Many thanks!!^^

[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:KK 2004/04/03(星期六) 22:21:25


Thank you for your prompt action. My email box was cleaned. Please send again.

Best regards,

[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Candy 2004/04/04(星期日) 00:07:20 [MAIL] [HOME]



[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞朱 2004/04/04(星期日) 00:49:29 [MAIL]

Candy, sorry for disturb you....would you please try this one?!

[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:亞珠 2004/04/04(星期日) 21:57:55 [MAIL]

May I have a copy, please.

[No.551 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:hebinghui 2004/04/04(星期日) 22:34:31 [MAIL]


[No.558] 無題 From:亞珠 2004/04/04(星期日) 22:06:08 [MAIL]

'简谱曲谱制作软件' please use the new mail address and re send to at your convenience.
much regard