[No.1678] ahlap From:sam 2005/07/16(星期六) 11:33:34

ahlap. I do not think you should worry about any problem that you think you might have caused.

1) 會不會有曲友不能接受批評呢?
of course there are. But if they cannot take any criticisma, or even suggestions then they should not have their songs put on the net. Remember it is them who want people to listen to their songs. No one force them to give you the songs.
2) 會不會令初學者氣餒呢?
what are they thinking?????there are not many genius in the opera world, or any world for that matter.
3) 評曲者會否胡亂下評語,或別有用心呢?
yes, that is expected
4) 評曲者的水準會否低劣呢?
yes, definitely yes. No one can screen them.
5) 若我因為上述原因而要經常刪除留言,會否影响評曲者尊嚴,而失去公信力呢?Yes. But things work both ways. For the singers who put songs up and the people who give their opinion. Both shoudol be ready for, and shoudl readily accept counter criticism.
6) 曲友會不會因此而不想登曲在大笪地呢?
Does this matter? I am sure you create this for the exchange of FUN, by any c opera enthusiasts, not just to make sure you have the most hit, most number of songs etc etc web site. I cannot believe that you only want professional standard singers and critics here.

I do not know if any one support my ideas. I believe you have the basics for a good fun site for opera fans of all standards. I prefer friends who share on the same level. I rather have none than having people who think too low or too high of themselves. In the cyber world eveyone is equal.........except web site owner. he he

I could feel some unease in you lately. If so please do not worrry. A good site cannot be destroy that easily

[No.1678 回覆] 回覆:ahlap From:胡塗 2005/07/16(星期六) 12:42:54

sam 兄 : 請問你寫什麼, 在下看不大懂 ! ???

[No.1678 回覆] 回覆:ahlap From:阿立 2005/07/21(星期四) 01:01:43

多謝 sam 兄意見,我希望大家明瞭大笪地創立的目的,我亦很高興,到現時為止,效果尚算令人滿意。

[No.1687] 我想問下.... From:欣欣 2005/07/19(星期二) 12:08:29 [MAIL]


[No.1686] 掂解唔見咗歌詞集 From:MING 2005/07/19(星期二) 11:01:15 [MAIL]


[No.1491] Learning musical instructment From:Lon Lon 2005/03/21(星期一) 23:55:41 [MAIL]

I learned cantonese opera song abt four years, now wish to learn one musical instructment, guess it will be helped for my singing technique, do you have any good recommendation ? (Age 39 years old Male)

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/22(星期二) 11:21:20

hpw much basic music knowledge so you have?
how much experience you have with musical instruements before?

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:lon Lon 2005/03/22(星期二) 13:30:25 [MAIL]

Sam, thks for the reply. Actually I hv no basic knowledge & experience on musical instruement but I wish to learn one, could you pls give me recommendation on this. Are you playing some musical instrument, pls share yr experience, thks.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/23(星期三) 12:02:23

a good player needs to learn the proper way,
needs to practice
and most of all needs aptitude...kind of talent in music , timing, pitch, and feeling. Without this talent you can only be like most opera music player.

Another controversal point is what kind of score you need to learn. Without knowing how to read a score you cannot develop . I 100% recommend kaan po. i.e. 123 (See, i start the same war again).

Then you have to ask yourself what kind of instruemnts you want to learn, string, wind percussion etc???

So...what do you want to play?
get a simple book on 123 basics and start reading

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:raymond 2005/03/23(星期三) 13:22:21

“ Without this talent you can only be like most opera music player “

Don't you guys feel might it be a kind of humiliation against those opera musician ? Do behave !!

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:Lon Lon 2005/03/24(星期四) 00:55:15 [MAIL]

Agree I cannot read Kaan Po 123 properly, do you think I can learn one instrument with the support of my interest ? I wish to hear favourite comments on learning experience, like string takes few yrs to learn, or may be wind percussion takes shorter time to become a beginner player. Are you a musical player since you has provided few professional cmmts on the spirit of playing instruement, pls adv. thks.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:Tim 2005/03/24(星期四) 17:04:47

Interest & persistence are what you need.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/25(星期五) 09:53:40

tim is correct. you certainly need interest. most people either drop out quickly or stay the same forever at the embryo stage. persistence means sticking with it with a lot of practice.

but practice is useless unless you are doing it the right way. playing the wrong notes withe wrong technique for a thousand years still do not make it right.

I presume yopu are really interested in learning something properly. it takes more than a few lines to sort out this learning instrument thing. Step by step , is the only way. if you think you can pick up some instrunments and then start joining in ;ike those opera musician...then i think you should stop now.

I am sure you can learn..you have interest. I am sure you can learn kaan po or kung chek....go and learn. Just hope you do it the right way. Not just take some hint from whose ever sitting next to you and think that you will be ok. Learning is easy if done properl;y believe me.

I wish to hear favourite comments on learning experience, like string takes few yrs to learn, or may be wind percussion takes shorter time to become a beginner player..............well i cannot provide these type of comment. They are only myths. Everyone is different. Some are suited to string and some are suited to wind. You pick an instruments you weant to learn and then learn. Then you will see if you are suitable. Your teacher (proper teacher) will tell you.

I wish to hear favourite comments on learning experience, like string takes few yrs to learn, or may be wind percussion takes shorter time to become a beginner player.......You only want to hear comments favourite to your ears???
You want to take the shortest time to join the band???? um............

If you want to hear comment you like then stay tune to some people on this site.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/25(星期五) 09:59:31

yes, i can only play music. i do not sing.

I may have left some silly comment here in the past. you will find out what i do and what trouble i got myself into on this site .

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:大夫 2005/03/28(星期一) 13:38:40

如果你沒有自己喜歡的樂器或音色, 以前初學者都以秦琴為始. 先決條件是秦琴的品位必須音準. 你必須找一個懂音準要求的人幫你選樂器. 市面上的秦琴,一百個中有八十多個是有音不準的品位.
Sam 所說的都很正確. 但aptitude and talent是可以培養的. 最重要還是初步學習,必須以正確的方法與學理為主. 這種師資要求,你只有碰運氣了.
good luck.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/03/28(星期一) 16:16:32 [MAIL]


What instruments to start depends on your musical background.
You should ask yourself several questions.
1. Do I read music? (123? Gungche? Or clef?)
2. How good are my ears?
3. How accurate is my pitch? (Do I have absolute pitch?)
4. Do I have good rhythm?

Depending on the answers, you may find yourself better suited for one of the 4 basic types of musical instruments: plucked-string, percussion, bowstring, and woodwind.
Some people, depending on your background, appeal more to different instruments.
If you do not read music, and cannot tell the proper pitch, then I suggest starting with one of the two: a recorder (cheap woodwind) or a fretted string (banjo or 秦琴) instrument. These instruments, when in tune, provide fixed notes. If you play them with the correct fingering pattern, they will always produce the correct notes. Depending on which of the two you like more, then you can tell if you want woodwind or string. If you cannot handle either one, then move to percussion. If you like all of them, then try bowstring next.
You also need a good instructor, someone who can teach the basics without confusing you.
I’ll give you some hints.
1. If you do not read music, then pick up 123 if you do not have absolute pitch, or clef if you do have good pitch. There is an advantage of learning clef over 123. Most Voice Training classes are based on clef, not 123, including the classes taught in China.
2. If you are interested in Cantonese Opera, then learn Gungche. (All good Cantonese Opera singers that I know understand Gungche.)
3. If you think you have good ears, and you are comfortable with clef, then pick up bowstring (erhu or violin/cello). Remember, there are no frets. The sound produced depend more on where you place your fingers. You ears are used to provide you the immediate feedback if the note produced is in tune. If you can only read 123, and cannot differentiate between a C from a Bb, then forget about bowstring, and concentrate on fretted string instruments, such as banjo or guitar or similar instruments. (The acid test if you are qualified is if I give you a Bb, you should be able to tell me that it is a Bb, and not a B.) Most woodwind instruments are designed for the key of Bb, Eb, or C. If you do not agree, then you can forget about woodwind.
4. If you have good sense of rhythm, then pick up percussion.
5. If you can sing with feeling and knows already how to control your dynamics, then give woodwind a try. They require similar techniques.

By the way, woodwind is the only instrument that requires breathing and vocalizing similar to the way one sings. In the long run, woodwind is the instrument type that will benefit your singing development.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/28(星期一) 21:20:35

there you are

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/03/30(星期三) 00:22:43 [MAIL]

Hi Kent, thks for the detailed explanations of the four main types musical instruments & important hints when selecting which instrument to learn. Recently a musical master recommends me to learn "Chun Kun" or "Woodwind", he said these instruments will be easily pick up for playing. Guess you are a musical player, which instrument are you playing, may I know how long you sing cantonese opera? Appreciate if you could share some experience on singing techniques as I am interested in this hobby and so far I used to learn by repeated listening to CD or VCD, u'stand the method is not right. Rgdg the price of Chun Kun, do you know how much (HK Dollars) for a medium priced instrument, is it made in China? As I found similar mucisal instrument in Vietnam, the size & shape are mostly the same but it is only two strings, thks.

Tai Fu : thks for yr sharing, agree I need a musical master to coach me esp in beginning learning process.

Sam in reading : do you hv any additional cmmts ???

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/03/30(星期三) 00:28:42 [MAIL]

Kent / Sam : if I want to buy one piece Chun Kun, could you pls recommend a good musical shop name & address in HK and how much for buying a medium price one, thks again.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/03/30(星期三) 04:33:01 [MAIL]


A plastic recorder is a beginning instrument for woodwind. It costs under US$20 here in US. It is keyed in the key of G, the same as Dung Xiao. The fingering pattern is the same as Dung Xiao and most other woodwind instruments. You just blow it, and the embousure is guided by the construction to always sound correctly. In HongKong, you can go to Tom Lee or any guitar store to get a Yamaha version.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/03/30(星期三) 04:43:53 [MAIL]

Chun Kum is a plucked string instrument and comes in two forms. One that supports the hepta-tonic scale (in Chinese music), and one that supports the chromatic scale (12 semi-tones). The entry level product costs around HK$200. China produces some entry level ones that are very reasonable, and you can pick one up from Shenzhen. If you want to be sure of a relative good one, you can go to Hoi Sing (Prince Edward C) and ask for Mr. Lee, the owner. Occassionally you may be able to find one that is keyed for the chromatic scale, with added frets for the hepta-tonic scale just for the key of C and G. OR you can add them yourselfs later.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/03/30(星期三) 05:01:42 [MAIL]

I am a bit unusual. I am a music freak. I play almost every instrument, except violin, trombone, english horn, double base, ..., and I play most other western and chinese instruments. I like percussion, clarinet, oboe, dizi, xiao, sax, flute, suona, pipes, erhu, gaohu, zhonghu, banhu, pipa, banjo, guitar, piano, ruan, yangqin, samyuen, cello, ...
My starting instrument was the guitar, when I was a kid in HongKong, in elementary school. My learning history was atypical. I have always been fascinated by music, and have studied music throughout my schooling. Cantonese Opera is a rather late interest that I picked up only seven years ago in 1999. But I am going after it like a scholar, just like anything I attempt in my career.
My suggestions is to adhere to the following approach:

  1. learn the basic music fundamentals--fastest way is to read a book on basic music theory or take a fast non-credit course from adult school or part-time university class.
  2. develop absolute pitch--practice singing the following notes accurately, G,A,C,D,E (for the key of C), then G,A,B,C,D,E,F# (for the key of G)
  3. learn to play the recorder, then the chun Kum
  4. read books on Cantonese Opera
  5. start singing

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/30(星期三) 07:32:02

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Please read my previous comments.

There is a new book out. I saw in Saam Luen. On how to learn 123 scores. This should be a good start.

If you have just started your interest in musical instruments I think you should pick one and learn that well before attempting another one, especially if of different type. For example if you intend to play opera only then chun kum is a good cheap choice. It would not cost you mosre than singing one or two songs in HK. I would not go for cheap instruments.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:大夫 2005/03/30(星期三) 10:59:13

Seems your teacher has the same idea as me. If you are really serious in learning, please go back and read carefully what Sam said. If not, please ignore what I am saying.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:lonlon 2005/03/31(星期四) 01:46:34 [MAIL]

Sam, as I am a beginning opera singer & I wish to hear different comments from different people, guess I can pick their good recommendations & even negatives cmmts that to strenghten my singing technics as improvement process. I am a Hong Konger & working in Vietnam, not sure whether I can find the book in Chinatown bookstore. Rgdg the choosing of musical instrument, wl hear some more recommendations from Senior People before choosing one for learning. May I know which is your favourite instrument, thks.

Tai Fu in reading : I hv taken down their favourite cmmts, it is useful for me to know more abt singing & learning instrument matters. Are you a musican & how long you sing opera ?

Kent in reading : Woo, I am lucky to get your lengthy sharing on my enquiry. Really I love Cantonese opera singing, all the way I learned by own way, usually listen to VCD daily, yes I can sing those common "siu cook" & simple "cook pai" but I wish to sing much better. Guess I need to find a good singing teacher, he/she may provide proper guidance on improvement my singing techniqics. Once I choose one musical instrument, is important to get a good musical teacher to provide good foundation of musical knowledge & basic skills of practice, trust there are no talent on that, only require practice, practice & practice. U'stand you can play so many musical instrument, are you learned your own or pay for musical coaching, pls adv.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/03/31(星期四) 05:32:57

my favourite is the piano which i cannot play
and the urhu which i cannot play well.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/03/31(星期四) 20:13:54 [MAIL]


How much time do you spend in Vietnam?
I have seen some Vietnamese MukYu that sounds very nice, and different sizes. Do you know what I am talking about? Do you see them in Vietnam? How often do you go back to HongKong? I'll visit Guangzhou Trade Convention during the second half of April. Will you be in the vicinity? We can meet for coffee and a chat.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/04/01(星期五) 02:26:48 [MAIL]

Kent, I started the assignment in Vietnam started Mar 05, every year I hv two home trips back HK. Sori I cannot meet you in Apr, wl you spend short vacation in Vietnam after the exhibition ? Rgdg Muk Yu, I had visited to local musical shops & didn't found this instrument, guess it is too small & difficult to recognize, they sell some chinese musical instruments but seems the size are bit smaller. Hope wl meet you someday somewhere in future. thks.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/04/01(星期五) 05:27:26 [MAIL]


Where in Vietnam are you?
How save is Vietnam for vacation?
Any good things to see?
Did you meet any CO organizations? Anyone singing CO?
How do you practice over there? How much does it cost to sing one song for 30 minutes?
The MukYu I am talking about is made out of some black wood almost similar to ebony. It was selling here once in SF Chinatown for US$40 each, a bit expensive, but sound totally different but better. By the time I decided to get them, they were gone. It comes in different sizes and different pitch, and the average is the price I quoted.


[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:Lonlon 2005/04/01(星期五) 15:35:18 [MAIL]

Kent, I am working in Ho Chi Ming city, it is a safe country & living std is not that cheap for foreign. I hv been here for a month only, not much familar with the tourist place, according to local people, there many good places for site seeing & resort hotel in beach side. Rgdg singing organisation, I visited Chinatown many town but couldn't find those singing organisation, guess there are singing place but not sure they are charging by minutes singing. Now I am singing in a Chinese restaurant, everyday they hv two hours singing session to entertainment customers, the orgainisation team would sing either opera or other cantonese or chinese songs, or customer can volunteer to sing on the stage, there are no charge & usually people paid tips to the singers only. Besides, everyday I love to listen opera songs at night time, that's my self learning processes. If you hv time, pls arrange for short vacation & you wl explore something different compare with US, guess there are big difference compare with living std & culuture etc. Rgdg the Muk Yu, I wl re-visit those musical shops & see whether I can find the items, wl keep you updated.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/04/06(星期三) 02:01:27 [MAIL]

Kent, one of my friend w/b visiting HK two weeks later, I may ask him to buy one Chun Kum for my learning. Last time you recommended to buy in Hoi Sing in Prince Edward C, could you pls list down the musical shop name, its full address & contact nbr, as my Vietnamese friend can locate the correct shop, thks.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/04/06(星期三) 17:17:26 [MAIL]


Hoi Sing is Chinese name for Harmony Music Co. in Mongkok district. Exact address is Block D-F, 1st Floor, 108-118 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon.
The entrance is on Portland Street, a side street.
It is what we call a mezannine floor.
Take the subway Prince Edward exit C2, After getting up the stairs, make a right turn at Portland Stree, and it should be the first stairway on his right hand side.
Their telephone number is (852)2381-2025.
This is their main store. Do not go to their other stores. The main stores has more varieties, and much more inventory. This instruments at the other stores are marked higher prices because of the higher rent.
Their website address is

Your have 2 options of ChunKum, ask for the one that is designed for the hepta-tonic scale (no semi-tones, and compare it with the ones that have chromatic frets (with semi-tones). Some chromatic version has additional frets for hepta-tonic notes, and probably will be priced higher. Ask you friend to test out the notes with a tuner. Mr. Lee Hoi, the owner, can possibly lend your friend a tuner for him to test the instrument.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/04/08(星期五) 01:23:48 [MAIL]

Kent, noted the address & wl ask my Vietnam friend to purchase one Chun Kum for practice. When you are leaving for China trip ? Refer to yr mail 3/30, can you further explain the absolute pitch practise singing, can I serf Internet to find some good books for the practice myself as well as chinese opera book & singing theory book as I cannot find these type of ref books in Vietnam, thks. How frequent you practise opera singing ? Who is your favourite singer model ? Lon

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/04/08(星期五) 03:40:42 [MAIL]

You asked several questions that require separate answers. I'll deal with them one at a time.
Absolute pitch 絕對音高 refers to notations that came from piano and strings, and notated in clefs. For example, in treble clef, the lines from bottom to top are E,G,B,D,F, independent of which scale is used, for example, instead of 3,5,7,2,4, as in 123 notation when we are referring to the C key. When the note falls on the 2nd line, (we always count from the bottom), we know the note is G, (as supposed to 5 in C key or 1 in G key), and we just play the fingering pattern that will produce a G in piano, or violin, or for that matter, whichever instrument. We also think in terms of an abolute scale, namely C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C, not 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1. To give you an example, my violin (cello, erhu,yangqin...,) instrunctor will say, Kent, play the D note on the yangqin or gaohu, then I know to play the 2nd open string. If he asks me to sing the B note, then I know to sing the B note, not a C. When he plays a particular note on the piano, or hit a tuning fork, and ask me what note it is, and I can name it, then I can tune to an absolute pitch.
When you take voice training 美聲學, those are the first things you learn,
  1. be able to sing in tune to the clef notation, and
  2. be able to listen to the exact tune

You can find the topic of absolute pitch in almost any books on voice training. You may even find them in official Cantonese Opera books. To find singing skills with Cantonese Opera may be more difficult, since I have not seen them published yet. It is something very new in the conservatories in Shanghai, Guanghzou, and BeiJing. Rather than finding the reference of absolute pitch published in Cantonese Opera books, I suggest you to learn the absolute pitch the traditional way, and apply it to Cantonese Opera singing instead.
I'll find a bibliography for you that lists all the authentic books that you need for Cantonese Opera. My students at Stanford and San Jose are required to read them, and you may be able to find them useful. Most of them are in Simplified Chinese chatacters, and were published in BeiJing and Guangzhou. I will also find a Chinese book-order website I once used in China. You can order books from them. The books are priced higher than the marked price, and also listed in US currencies. You also need to pay for shipping, but at least they allow you to order almost any books published in Chinese, and they take care of everything for you, and mail them to your address outside of China.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/04/11(星期一) 00:26:35 [MAIL]

Hi Kent, Sori for late reply & thks again for the detailed explanations abt absolute pitch. Friendly speaking, I don't hv any fundamental knowledge abt mucisal theory, it is difficult to gauge what you are explanation. FYI, I visited two local singing organisations which they hv opera singing sessions in morning "drink tea" from 8 to 11 am. Mostly those musical masters are part time players, music are above expectations. I hv talked to the Head of the musical team, according to him, he can teach me opera singing techniqics & practising Chun Kum, tuition fee are comparatively cheap compare with HK / Sing private tuition class. By the way, pls share the other topics & I wl seek demonstrations when I started the singing tuition, trust it is a fast way to learn opera singing. Pls recommend some books which I can learn more in musical theory & singing techniqics, I wish to know some more. Remember you are going for trade fair in April, when you are leaving for China trip. By the way, may I know what is your profession in US ? Lon

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:LonLon 2005/04/11(星期一) 23:54:07 [MAIL]

Kentsifu, guess you are now enjoying your semi retired life in SF, luckily your wife is a Chinese Opera Fantanic, trust your life is very meaningful. Noted your biz trip schedules, it s/b tight, unfortunately you can't squeeze time for a short vacation here, hope wl meet each other in nearer future. If you hv time, pls record some of your songs so that I can learn from your singing techniqics, currently I hv learned the "Chai Tau Fung" & you may recommend few couple singing songs for my self practice, who is your favourite singer ? Rgdg work, if you don't mind, can we further discuss via email, my email address is longlong401199@yahoo.com.hk wish to receive your email soon, thks. Lon Lon

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/04/12(星期二) 01:21:29 [MAIL]


I just send you email. We should continue using email.
I'll prepare a bibliography and a list of recommended songs for you as soon as you send me a list of your favorite singers.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:raymond 2005/04/14(星期四) 23:57:30

most of all needs aptitude...kind of talent in music , timing, pitch, and feeling. Without this talent you can only be like most opera music player.

立兄, 藍兄,

這句說話是否人身攻擊, 或甚至全人類攻擊呢 ?

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:lonlon 2005/04/26(星期二) 13:42:59 [MAIL]

Hi Tai Fu,

Are you a musical player & how long you have been singing opera songs ? Who is your favourite singers. If you are playing musical, pls share which instrument you are playing, thks. Lon Lon

[No.1491 回覆] ah-lap From:sam 2005/04/26(星期二) 17:15:29

please delete my entry on 15 April
please please

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:阿立 2005/04/26(星期二) 17:28:54

Deleted, thanks

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:sam 2005/04/26(星期二) 17:52:25

thanks mate

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:kentSifu 2005/04/29(星期五) 06:40:01

Can you delete my posting on April 11?

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:阿立 2005/04/29(星期五) 09:20:13

The message deleted.

[No.1491 回覆] 回覆:Learning musical instructment From:Lon Lon 2005/07/19(星期二) 09:12:50 [MAIL]


Hi Kent,

Could you pls send email to me at longlong401199@yahoo.com.hk as we didn't communicate for long long, thks / Lon.

[No.1683] 回應大陸仔 From:龍兒 2005/07/17(星期日) 11:20:29

唐山大兄 :

誰說"曲友求曲區"祇能求曲譜呢 ?

原唱歌曲不是已送上了嗎 ?


[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:大陆仔 2005/07/17(星期日) 13:36:35


[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:sam 2005/07/17(星期日) 14:14:07

that is ok. you are not the only one who do not read the web site before complaining

[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:龍兒 2005/07/17(星期日) 16:06:53

唐山大兄 :

請將126.com 戶口名稱告之 ,

以便再傳上潞安洲原唱歌曲 .


[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:soso 2005/07/17(星期日) 23:56:28 [MAIL]

龍兒:請將潞安洲上載來這個公眾郵箱:wllihk@126.com .密碼:123456...........令各人得益.唔該你!

[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:南極仙翁 2005/07/18(星期一) 19:36:30

wllihk@126.com 是Candy的私人郵箱,只是為方便網友而將密碼公開。並非“公眾郵箱”,請勿誤會!

[No.1683 回覆] 回覆:回應大陸仔 From:soso 2005/07/19(星期二) 00:08:57 [MAIL]


[No.1685] 無題 From:CCW: 2005/07/18(星期一) 11:57:36


[No.1681] 两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/16(星期六) 20:47:00


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:sam 2005/07/17(星期日) 14:20:37

already have so many constructive ideas.!!

[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/17(星期日) 15:01:58


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:CCW 2005/07/17(星期日) 15:18:05


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/17(星期日) 17:04:02


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/17(星期日) 17:06:23


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔。 2005/07/17(星期日) 17:10:30


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/17(星期日) 17:26:50


[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:sam 2005/07/17(星期日) 17:53:06

yep, I know

[No.1681 回覆] 回覆:两个问题 From:大陆仔 2005/07/18(星期一) 02:54:19 [MAIL]


[No.1679] 很好的粤曲网。 From:大陆仔 2005/07/16(星期六) 14:43:24


[No.1674] 粵曲大笪地 From:新仔 2005/07/12(星期二) 19:12:47


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:阿立 2005/07/12(星期二) 21:48:24


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:sam 2005/07/12(星期二) 22:19:17

london just got bombed!!!!

and this is 阿立's web site.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:阿立 2005/07/13(星期三) 01:10:54


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:新仔 2005/07/13(星期三) 08:59:21


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:raymond 2005/07/13(星期三) 18:33:16


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:raymond 2005/07/13(星期三) 18:48:46

回看大笪地,原來有些朋上曲達 7 首之多,有些 2 首,3 首以及 4 首,均祇不過是於配搭上稍有改動而已,利用了規條上的漏洞。

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:阿立 2005/07/13(星期三) 19:38:21



Raymond 兄:

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:Peter 2005/07/14(星期四) 11:51:32




[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:Peter 2005/07/14(星期四) 16:10:45


除了令曲友明白道理外,亦要定立明確、清晰的規則,方便大家去依從及遵守。在『粵曲大笪地』首頁“注意”第四點:〝.......不論平喉或子喉,最多祗可出曲兩次......〞。此段文字有兩處不清 晰地方,容易引起誤會,其一是〝平喉或子喉〞是指每人計還是每對計?其二是〝出曲兩次〞是以同一拍檔計還是不分呢?雖說小節,其實分別很大,影響規則的執行。因此網主在10/7的主頁通告中加上〝....就算平喉或子喉轉換配搭,亦不能多於兩首曲〞於是把漏洞填補,有助解決疑團。及後12/7及13/7新仔有禮貌地提出不公平的問題,因為發覺網上仍有犯規情況,如提出討論。立兄其實己於第一時間回應,不再叙述。其實立兄只是遵守規則,在新例生效前之事例不與追究,正是守法的表現。不應強行刪曲,除非曲友自願跟隨新例或體現『大笪地』設立的精神則當別論。




[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:胡塗 2005/07/14(星期四) 21:41:34

raymond 兄 :
你說 : "回看大笪地,原來有些朋上曲達 7 首之多,有些 2 首,3 首以及 4 首,均祇不過是於配搭上稍有改動而已,利用了規條上的漏洞。" 本人不同意"利用了規條上的漏洞" 這句 ! 你為何不轉個角度向"旦" 那邊看呢 ? 若照現在規則, 剛好那個旦和這個生有合唱到一首很滿意之歌而這個生又和其他人有唱曲登了, 這個旦豈非不能登 ? 要知有錄到隻靚歌不是件容易事啊 ! 而立 sir 亦沒禁止其他人如此做, 更何來獨霸一語, 那位仁兄是否想學我一般 ... 呢 ? 一笑 ! 別見怪, 胡塗只是從另一角度去客觀看事情而已 !

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:raymond 2005/07/14(星期四) 23:33:33


小弟的建議貼中,又何來有 “獨霸“ 兩字呢!
( 並非為小弟,因小弟從沒有這個打算)
貼曲可以兩首接兩首,更不應一個人佔了 3,4個位置,甚至 7 個。

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:Peter 2005/07/15(星期五) 09:35:44


[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:胡塗 2005/07/15(星期五) 13:11:29

raymond 兄 :
"不應一個人佔了 3,4個位置,甚至 7 個。" ... ? 你還沒換角度看事情 ! 請向旦方面看吧 !
Peter 兄,
"那旦可與生商量,減去生在網一曲,即可不違規而又可出曲,相信那生不會反對吧!" 那生在下相信不會反對, 因再上新曲那生亦有份, 但先前那個旦相信不會不反對, 因佢首曲被別個代替了, 再說, 如此常常換曲法怕只怕給立 sir 添麻煩 ! 有句俗語:換湯不換藥, 不知用在此處適合否 ? 在下再想重提各位曲友一點: 立 sir 亦沒禁止其他人如此做, 各位不仿多上些新曲, 相信立 sir 無限歡迎, 開罪處, 請見諒 !

[No.1674 回覆] 回覆:粵曲大笪地 From:sam 2005/07/15(星期五) 20:48:19

funny world we live in. Story:-

Walking along the street, friends found money scattered all over the ground. ........Friends fight over each others picking up the 'bonus' money. You should not pick up that much...
:( You have got more than I do...

Why do people argue here without giving ahlap any respect???? worse, putting words into ahlap's mouth
It is totally due to ahlap's grace that this site exists........

[No.1675] 觀品 From:天娜 2005/07/13(星期三) 09:58:41 [MAIL]

我這個粵曲新丁,因學粵曲關係經常去不同場地欣賞演出, 發覺部份觀眾質素很差, 如聽手機, 大聲討論演出者, 更甚者是跟着演出者唱, 本人在此哷龥想提高粵曲地位, 先從觀眾做起應自重,自律, 不要淪為被社會人仕視為師奶之小眾娛樂.

[No.1675 回覆] 回覆:觀品 From:總統 2005/07/14(星期四) 13:53:15


[No.1675 回覆] 回覆:觀品 From:Stephen 2005/07/14(星期四) 17:03:56


[No.1677] 可以增多幾首麯嗎? From:總統 2005/07/14(星期四) 13:52:20


[No.1676] 请教唱粤曲技巧 From:南唐李后主 2005/07/13(星期三) 10:36:07


[No.1672] 我要几首曲啊 From:南唐李后主 2005/07/12(星期二) 09:40:01


[No.1672 回覆] 回覆:我要几首曲啊 From:sam 2005/07/12(星期二) 22:22:37

good to learn things when young. Discipline is important when learning new things. no less in C Opera.

First you have to understand what discipline is.

[No.1673] 感謝 From:古惠然 2005/07/12(星期二) 14:57:15 [MAIL]


[No.1673 回覆] 回覆:感謝 From:師父仔 2005/07/12(星期二) 15:12:40




[No.1671] 我要几首曲啊 From:南唐李后主 2005/07/12(星期二) 09:38:58


[No.1662] 無題 From:Ferry 2005/07/02(星期六) 03:08:07


My friend introduced recently this website to me. Wud it be possilbe for you to upload the flwg onto wllihk@126.com again (in either mp3 or wma format) pls:

Many thanks and kind regards.

[No.1662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Candy 2005/07/07(星期四) 19:43:48 [MAIL] [HOME]



[No.1662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Ferry 2005/07/08(星期五) 13:18:42

Many thanks for your response. I've fixed it as instructed. Once again, many thanks.

[No.1662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Candy 2005/07/10(星期日) 21:56:16 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1662 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Tim 2005/07/12(星期二) 01:05:00


非常多謝你的回應. 我已根據你的指示轉換了. 再次謝謝!

Tim 代譯

[No.1670] 無題 From:CWC 2005/07/08(星期五) 11:40:58


[No.1670 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Candy 2005/07/09(星期六) 00:57:58 [MAIL] [HOME]




[No.1670 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:CWC 2005/07/09(星期六) 13:03:20


[No.1670 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Candy 2005/07/09(星期六) 19:02:06 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1669] l箱wllihk@126.com From:Rich 2005/07/08(星期五) 07:13:16 [MAIL]

I would like to find out how to get into wllihk@126.com l箱
Thank you

[No.1669 回覆] 回覆:l箱wllihk@126.com From:阿立 2005/07/08(星期五) 16:21:22


密 码:123456

[No.1667] 工尺谱 From:Candy 2005/07/07(星期四) 19:32:11 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1667 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:阿立 2005/07/08(星期五) 15:17:27


[No.1668] 無題 From:sam 2005/07/07(星期四) 22:19:02

it would be nice not to encourage 曲友求曲 here. It may be a bit anal but rules or policy are made to be followed.

[No.1666] 求助 From:OyJa00 2005/07/07(星期四) 08:14:45 [MAIL]

请问在哪里有几十年前的粤曲 ”小明声“等的粤曲下载呢???

[No.1666 回覆] 回覆:求助 From:Candy 2005/07/07(星期四) 19:37:44 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1661] 多謝 From:古惠然 2005/07/01(星期五) 16:08:32 [MAIL]


[No.1661 回覆] 回覆:多謝 From:bbc 2005/07/05(星期二) 19:45:31


[No.1661 回覆] 回覆:多謝 From:阿立 2005/07/05(星期二) 21:37:28


[No.1658] 無題 From:Joey 2005/06/30(星期四) 10:11:25 [MAIL]

I need some clarification on how to sing "Quan Fah"; to see the difference btw "1st half - seong poon kui" and the "2nd half - har poon kui". What is the difference btw a male "QUan Fah" ending notes & a female "Quan Fah" ending notes. All I know that Quan Fah is divided into 2 portion with 2 different ending tunes & I was being told that I've been using Male ending tones while I'm singing the female role.

Would appreciate if the answer to be given in English as I cannot read Chinese - sorry & thanks for the help!

[No.1658 回覆] 滾花 "Quan Fah" From:pinpin 2005/07/01(星期五) 23:27:06 [MAIL]

Hi Joey

I would like to refer you to Alap's web page called 粵曲小字典 (CO Mini Dictionary) - 2. 梆黃板腔模式結束音圖表 ( Section 2: The ending note for various Bond Wong). After you enter to the Dictionary, click Section 2 and you will see 15 samples of Bond Wong. Please go to 5, 6, 7, 13 & 15. These are the 6 different types of 滾花 (Quan Fah). However, you should only worry about Quan Fah #5 - the 士工滾花 (6 3 Quan Fah). According to the Dictionary, this is the only one that soprano sings differently at the end of it. Whereas, the rest of other Quan Fahs are identical for both tenors and sopranos.

For the soprano closing the 士工滾花 (6. 3 Quan Fah), according to the Dictionary, she needs to sing the note 上 (dor) for the 上句 (seong poon kui) and the note 合 (sor 5.) for the 下句 (har poon kui).

Hope this helps and wish you well in singing CO. Cheers

PS I am not a professional. I only quote Alap's CO Mini Dictionary for your information. BTW, I do adore people like you who do not read Chinese but are keen to sing CO. Keep going and enjoy it to the fullness.

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/07/02(星期六) 00:30:15


Thanks your help.

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:pinpin 2005/07/02(星期六) 01:46:04

立兄: 舉手之勞, 唔使客氣 pinpin

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:Joey 2005/07/04(星期一) 10:47:48 [MAIL]

Thks alot. Will try my best to understand the CO dic.

[No.1658 回覆] no worries From:pinpin 2005/07/04(星期一) 19:22:37

No worries Joey. If you need clarification again, plase feel free to email me:


Or you can enter the Chatroom in Alap's 談天說地, people theer are able to communicate with you in English. Cheers

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:胡塗 2005/07/04(星期一) 21:20:36

看不懂, 看不懂, 不知寫什麼 ! 更有一事不明白, 為何昨日訪客次數係 000 呢 ? 我的電腦出了毛病嗎 ? 記得昨天上網時唔係呢個數喎 ?

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:pinpin 2005/07/04(星期一) 22:30:08

胡塗: 我部電腦都係顯現 000

PS 上文是為一位唔係好識中文的曲友解答滾花的問題.

[No.1658 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/07/04(星期一) 23:51:48


[No.1665] 有演出~ From:Funny 2005/07/03(星期日) 03:12:23 [MAIL]

我係灣仔演藝夜校粵劇的學生,我o地9/7在演藝戲劇院演出[女兒香],內幕消息,尾場有很多武打場面,實行使出真功夫,由+年以上的師姐們鼎力演出,唔睇果o個就走寶了,門票所剩無幾,快D o黎買飛啦!宣傳到此完畢~

[No.1663] 昭君出塞 From:Erica 2005/07/02(星期六) 11:04:45 [MAIL]

請問昭君出塞的版權擁有人是誰/ 唱片公司?

[No.1663 回覆] 回覆:昭君出塞 From:ming 2005/07/02(星期六) 13:14:03


[No.1660] 聽後感 From:ashley 2005/07/01(星期五) 08:59:21 [MAIL]

多謝pater兄提醒,所以認真地細心欣賞了多首歌曲,發現了"沈三伯與雲琅"及"夢會梅花澗".真是直得一聽,尤其平子喉都唱出情緒,有味道,配合幾好,動聽, 不過這只是我個人想法,末知大家看法如何?

[No.1660 回覆] 回覆:聽後感 From:阿立 2005/07/01(星期五) 09:31:05

很多謝妳的聽後感,現「粵曲大笪地」已在「曲友討論區」增加了「 粵曲大笪地之曲友評語專頁」,今後各曲友可將感受放在該處,而妳今次的回應,我亦已轉錄到該專頁了,謝謝!

[No.1659] 《啼笑 姻緣》 From:伯牙 2005/07/01(星期五) 01:56:24

Peter 兄:

希望能遇到更多的 (子期 )和給我多些

[No.1654] 大笪地新曲 From:Peter 2005/06/29(星期三) 10:17:01 [MAIL]





[No.1654 回覆] 回覆:大笪地新曲 From:胡塗 2005/06/29(星期三) 21:00:19

立 sir 此舉本人覺得頗好呀 ! 舊不去又何來新的呢 ? 萬物皆要有所循環,好, 好, 好呀 !

[No.1654 回覆] 回覆:大笪地新曲 From:charles 2005/06/30(星期四) 12:03:58

本人很讚同網主此舉。就算不因資源所限亦該有此一舉,因此舉對曲友很有鼓勵性 !

[No.1656] 請問立哥 From:wendyko 2005/06/30(星期四) 00:13:18 [MAIL]


[No.1656 回覆] 回覆:請問立哥 From:阿立 2005/06/30(星期四) 09:16:28


[No.1652] 無題 From:SAM 2005/06/27(星期一) 17:58:24


[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/06/27(星期一) 21:48:14



[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:SAM 2005/06/28(星期二) 10:27:19


[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:思菩 2005/06/28(星期二) 11:33:49


[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:SAM 2005/06/28(星期二) 21:57:41


[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:思菩 2005/06/28(星期二) 22:20:44

以前的我不知﹐這個是 6/14/2005 下午一點的﹔可能它改了 IP 未定?﹗



YYYY = 年份
MM = 月份 (01-12)
DD = 日子 (01-31)
HH = 鐘 (24 小時計)

[No.1652 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:SAM 2005/06/29(星期三) 10:03:56


[No.1653] 板主: From:鄧碧雲迷ADA 2005/06/27(星期一) 20:30:17 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1653 回覆] 回覆:板主: From:阿立 2005/06/27(星期一) 21:49:00


[No.1653 回覆] 回覆:板主: From:鄧碧雲迷ADA 2005/06/27(星期一) 22:51:46 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1653 回覆] 回覆:板主: From:粵曲迷 2005/06/27(星期一) 23:01:39


[No.1653 回覆] 回覆:板主: From:阿立 2005/06/27(星期一) 23:50:36


[No.1653 回覆] 回覆:板主: From:鄧碧雲迷ADA 2005/06/28(星期二) 14:34:26 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1645] 電台粵曲 From:阿朱 2005/06/22(星期三) 00:45:28 [MAIL]



[No.1645 回覆] 回覆:電台粵曲 From:soso 2005/06/22(星期三) 08:34:26 [MAIL]


[No.1645 回覆] 回覆:電台粵曲 From:阿立 2005/06/23(星期四) 08:41:53


因前些兒 sever 有些問題,有數小時開啟不到,請諒。

[No.1645 回覆] 回覆:電台粵曲 From:阿朱 2005/06/26(星期日) 17:57:07 [MAIL]



[No.1649] 《啼笑 姻緣》 From:伯牙 2005/06/23(星期四) 23:15:43 [MAIL]


小弟已於昨天 6月22日 郵寄一盒本人以上
歌曲的錄音帶給你,希望你能為我在 〔粵曲大笪
地〕上登出; 不知你已否收到?


[No.1649 回覆] 回覆:《啼笑 姻緣》 From:阿立 2005/06/23(星期四) 23:26:58


[No.1648] <鏡閣斜陽> From:康少 2005/06/23(星期四) 06:14:18 [MAIL]





[No.1648 回覆] 回覆:<鏡閣斜陽> From:阿立 2005/06/23(星期四) 08:43:27


[No.1644] 工尺谱 From:Candy 2005/06/20(星期一) 06:55:28 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1644 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:阿立 2005/06/20(星期一) 13:27:24


[No.1644 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:Candy 2005/06/20(星期一) 20:02:11 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1644 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:阿立 2005/06/21(星期二) 09:45:59

可否不加壓縮直接 email 給我?

[No.1644 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:Candy 2005/06/21(星期二) 19:01:59 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1644 回覆] 回覆:工尺谱 From:阿立 2005/06/23(星期四) 08:37:56


[No.1646] 唔明術語 From:金吉 2005/06/22(星期三) 00:47:31

提及"燒肉雞", 大意是與玩音樂有關的,
各位可否告知點解? 謝謝!

[No.1643] 劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:馮錦碧 2005/06/18(星期六) 14:37:05 [MAIL]

多謝各位賜教.錄音地方在李德甫師父知音曲藝社,深圳. 手機 NO. 13068445908. and 13316569338.

[No.1643 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:康少 2005/06/18(星期六) 16:34:53 [MAIL]



[No.1643 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:馮錦碧 2005/06/19(星期日) 10:14:50 [MAIL]

知音地址: 羅湖關口港城商貿八樓0812號 tel:13068445908, 13316569338
音樂師傅共十位. 地方不算大, 每局收費 $1499.00

[No.1636] 劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:天水Wai小浩 2005/06/12(星期日) 16:24:26

比心機D la~~

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:sam 2005/06/13(星期一) 01:48:06

may i ask if it was live music or karaoke??

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:胡塗 2005/06/13(星期一) 23:46:57

我想應該是生樂 ! 尾段聽到有句"辛苦師傅"

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:胡塗 2005/06/13(星期一) 23:52:17

但亦有可能是錄音師傅 ! 劉玉齊唱得幾好沒錯, 但本人覺得娘娘腔了點, 請別見怪 !

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:劉志堅 2005/06/14(星期二) 14:24:32


[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:sam 2005/06/16(星期四) 20:17:48

very good music!!

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:關百江 2005/06/17(星期五) 14:07:38

音響真的十分不錯, 唱的亦好, 可否告知在哪裡錄的嗎 ? 兩位在不同地區居住, 定是先約好了地點錄音的吧 ? 謝謝 !

[No.1636 回覆] 回覆:劉玉齊唱得幾好 From:師父仔 2005/06/17(星期五) 22:24:13





[No.1640] 無題 From:sam 2005/06/14(星期二) 17:12:53

piece of rock

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:louis 2005/06/16(星期四) 20:19:33

sam 少: 做乜咁勞氣呀?

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/17(星期五) 08:54:17

not at all.
self amusement!!!
hey, our concert with laam chau is on 3rd of July. come down la.

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:louis 2005/06/17(星期五) 09:08:13

Got no $$$ for the airfare (laugh!). BTW, what songs are being performed and whereabout do you stage the concert?

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/17(星期五) 09:46:24

classy this time. at a performance hall in Nunawading (near DOncaster)

sum san baard
boon san yuen
sum yuen wui
yau woo
leung hung yuk kict koo tui kam bing
look mui ting ji luen
mun kwung nung yau kei dor sau

drive down here

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/17(星期五) 09:56:43

tell me how to download pictures onto 談天說地

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:louis 2005/06/17(星期五) 10:53:14

looks not only classy but rich in content too. good luck. Driving down south?! Do you know how much is the petrol cost todate????? I would better walk (laugh)!

For uploading pictures/songs/video etc, go to Ceipui's tutorial in 談天說地. She is an IT expert. have fun!

[No.1640 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:louis 2005/06/17(星期五) 10:57:28

What song is this ""look mui ting ji luen"? is it composed by Law Man?

[No.1641] 無題 From:阿立 2005/06/16(星期四) 00:42:36

Ming 兄 :



[No.1641 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:ming 2005/06/16(星期四) 09:15:54 [MAIL]



[No.1641 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/06/16(星期四) 10:45:34

是的,請收 email。

[No.1638] 减字芙蓉、三脚凳 From:老黄 2005/06/14(星期二) 10:37:08 [MAIL]


[No.1638 回覆] 回覆:减字芙蓉、三脚凳 From:bbc 2005/06/16(星期四) 10:40:29


[No.1576] 求曲 From:劉志堅 2005/05/03(星期二) 15:02:37 [MAIL]


[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:sam 2005/05/03(星期二) 16:58:23

not meant to be discourteous and I am not speaking on behalf of the web site owner (who had been too patient and too polite, who would say, for the millionth time, to go to 曲友求曲區 to put in your requuest)

I would rather say please enjoy this web site by reading the whole web page. You would have more fun looking through it and discover all its goodness by yourself.

[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:阿立 2005/05/05(星期四) 00:19:03



[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:劉志堅 2005/05/22(星期日) 06:28:09 [MAIL]

南宋飛虎將之逼返 的曲譜

[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:思菩 2005/05/22(星期日) 11:54:14


[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:qq 2005/05/24(星期二) 05:53:06

"南宋飛虎將之逼返 " E首歌好激昂好好聽,
你想要這曲詞, 你要入去立哥個網, 左邊的
"曲友求曲區"要求, 才會多D人留意到。
你喱係Ni 道,人地注意唔到.. :-)

[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:劉志堅 2005/06/14(星期二) 14:37:37


[No.1576 回覆] 回覆:求曲 From:sam 2005/06/14(星期二) 17:15:26

no need

[No.1618] 無題 From:任迷 2005/05/30(星期一) 21:52:22


[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:answer(s)????? From:yyy 2005/06/02(星期四) 08:45:18

Can we have some nice people who know the answer to respond to the question being asked in such a polite way? Please!!!!

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:bbc 2005/06/02(星期四) 10:48:06


[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:amateur III 2005/06/02(星期四) 11:53:25


G調 (反線) 比 C調 (正線) 要低五度. 曲社多用 C20, 專業矷像是用正線C.

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:南极仙翁 2005/06/02(星期四) 12:02:24

G調 (反線) 应该比 C調 (正線)高5度或低4度,低5度是F调

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:#G & C# From:amateur III 2005/06/02(星期四) 12:42:07

Hi 南极仙翁

Thanks for your comments. I would like to you to clarify or to elaborate your statement "...高5度或低4度". Which one or both is correct?

I maybe wrong about my lecture notes as they were taken many years ago in my very first CO class (Perhaps I was day dreaming in the class and made a wrong entry of actually what the teacher had said! Laugh!).

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/02(星期四) 17:41:42

learning music, especially chinese opera music theories on a website like this is not a good or smart way. If you had asked this question a few months ago you would be involved in a giant storm that almost wrecked ahlap's web site. Everyone has his or her own idea and each insist one being correct.

I suggest you go and get some proper organised lessons from a proper organisation.

Just to answer this question:

正線 means that do re mi fa so.......the 'do' start at C (please treat all c, c10, c20....as c, life is simpler this way)

反線 means that the 'do' start sat a note 低正線4 度.

if you find this confusing then take my advice otherwise your confusion can only get worse.

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:bbc 2005/06/02(星期四) 18:53:17


[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/02(星期四) 19:16:32

任迷, good luck

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/02(星期四) 19:33:30




I agree, it is simpler, ok, 化繁為簡,嘻嘻

[No.1618 回覆] 反線 From:ming 2005/06/02(星期四) 20:02:18




上六兩音相當於音階1, 5 兩個音。「反線二黃慢板」及「反線梆子中板」乃用上六線定調。反線二黃慢板有悲哀淒涼的味道。反線士工中板有兩種唱法,第一種唱法是比霸腔中板約低五度,因為反線接近霸腔的唱法,但用聲不如霸腔那麼高亢,而帶悲壯的感覺;第二種是接近平喉唱出,則感覺較低沉。

粵劇音樂的定絃,反線比正線,低了五度。現在為了方便,不少坊間以反線相若於西方音樂的G 調,但這是不對的,因二者的調式並不等同。




[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:丫頭 2005/06/10(星期五) 11:58:49

I don't understand what is 上六線. Would somebody be kind enough to tell me the

"do" in 反線 is = 低音"fa" or "so" in C 調?

I can understand more easily in that way! Thanks.

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/10(星期五) 15:45:11

smelly 丫頭

at the risk of being shot down again, i explain to you la.

上六 refers to the names of the notes of the 2 strings of the kao hu (open strings, no finger on them)

With gao hu the first string is tuned to the note of G, the second is tuned to D

上 = doe. That means if you decide on calling the note G as 'doe', you are singing or playing in G調. Doe is sounded when you play an open inner string.
Similarly the second string tuned to D would become 'so' (六=so)
G調 therefore has its doe at the inner string and so at the outer string and therefore called 上六線.

"do" in 反線 is = 低音""so" in C 調.

trust me.

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:丫頭 2005/06/14(星期二) 13:44:33

Thanks, Sam. I now know whether I am.

[No.1618 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:丫頭 2005/06/14(星期二) 13:45:33

Sorry I meant "I now know where I am"!

[No.1637] 梆子与二黄之主要区别 From:老黄 2005/06/14(星期二) 10:30:32 [MAIL]


[No.1637 回覆] 回覆:梆子与二黄之主要区别 From:ming 2005/06/14(星期二) 12:05:08


[No.1637 回覆] 回覆:梆子与二黄之主要区别 From:ming 2005/06/14(星期二) 12:08:05


[No.1637 回覆] 回覆:梆子与二黄之主要区别 From:阿堅 2005/06/14(星期二) 12:26:22 [MAIL]


(1) 梆子與二黃同屬粵曲中的版腔,前者的行腔以士音和工音為骨幹,後者的行腔以合音和尺音為骨幹。
(2) 因骨幹音不同,兩者所產生的音樂效果也不同,前者較高昂,後者較委婉。
(3) 梆子腔中,平喉和子喉的收音各異,二黃腔中,平喉和子喉的收音相同。
(4) 就調式而言(西樂中所謂的key,粵曲中所謂的線口),梆子腔中,不論慢版或中版都只唱正線,但二黃腔變化較大,慢版可唱正線或反線,但正線二黃與反線二黃的行腔收音均不同;二黃的中版則唱反線。
(5) 二黃腔中的慢版和中版,都可唱梅花腔,即乙反二王和乙反中版。梆子腔的慢版和中版則不知可不可唱梅花腔,我不敢說完全不可以,但我本人則未聽過,我也不懂將梆子的慢版和中版唱梅花腔。
(6) 梆子慢版只有基本的十字曲格,二黃慢版則不但有十字句格,也有八字曲格。二黃慢版更有長句格式,梆子腔是沒有長句格式的。

[No.1639] 恋檀、恋檀中板、恋檀二流、乙反恋檀慢板和西皮、乙反西皮 From:老黄 2005/06/14(星期二) 11:08:26 [MAIL]


[No.1635] Great web site From:海外Mei 2005/06/10(星期五) 08:23:43

Hi 立哥:

First I want to thank you for setting up such a wonderful web site. I have enjoyed it very much!

I want to bring to your attention that the beautiful song 十 二 欄 杆 十 二 釵 by 文 千 歲 、 李 寶 瑩 of 電台粵曲選錄 stops after 9 minutes. Thanks.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:阿立 2005/06/10(星期五) 15:14:55

多謝告知,在美國下載「電台粵曲選錄」內的曲,若是選用 wma,是可能會有困難的,那是因為 server 的問題,所以我建議妳送選用 rm, 會比較穩定一點。

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:海外Mei 2005/06/10(星期五) 21:12:18

I listened to the rm version and it also stopped after 9 minutes. Thank you.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:思菩 2005/06/10(星期五) 22:27:27

立哥﹐剛做了試驗﹐下載了 rm (filesize: 1.318 KB) (都要好幾分鐘才下載到). I believe something is wrong with this file, as 我不能 fast forward 首歌 (moved the slide bar to the 9 min position, no sound; note: same problem even I slide forward just a bit). I tested on my other rm on the fast forward 就冇問題.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:思菩 2005/06/10(星期五) 22:34:41

講漏了﹐去到 8:33 就冇聲.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:JOEJOE 2005/06/10(星期五) 22:48:13

I'm not sure the said song I d/l on April in RM format was identical with the ones by 海外Mei and Ceipui, I encounter no problem on playing back and neither did I find audio interroption on 9 min. position.....Well, going fine to the end.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:思菩 2005/06/10(星期五) 22:53:49

It was downloaded from “電台粵曲選錄"﹐不是從第五台.

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:思菩 2005/06/10(星期五) 23:57:45


[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:JOEJOE 2005/06/11(星期六) 00:03:50


我只是想幫一下海外Mei 而已。


[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:阿立 2005/06/11(星期六) 00:57:02

Mei :
十分抱歉,我沒有測試便排除了自己一方有問題的可能性,太大意了,幸得思菩和 JoeJoe 仗義幫忙,否則我還在夢中,曲現已修復,可再試,如其他曲亦有問題,亦煩請告知。
思菩, JoeJoe :
言重了,多謝幫忙,我想我是 server 搬家 upload 時出了問題,希望別的曲沒事。

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:思菩 2005/06/11(星期六) 01:05:02

JoeJoe: 我當然知你好心幫人啦﹐玩你一玩嘛﹐千萬不要怪我啊﹗

立哥﹕是小問題又何需抱歉呀﹖是呀﹐上次我 copy and paste to 不同 folder (within the same server)﹐都有同樣情形出現過呀﹗真的妨不勝妨啊﹗

[No.1635 回覆] 回覆:Great web site From:海外Mei 2005/06/11(星期六) 09:19:06

思菩and JOEJOE: From reading the past messages I knew the patrons of this site are very親切and helpful, but I am still a bit overwhelmed by your kindness. I have already listened to the whole song. 真是很動聽 .

立哥: It is your hard work that gives us this wonderful place to meet each other, 無言感激中…

[No.1628] 粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:方炳和 2005/06/04(星期六) 18:17:48 [MAIL]


作品 : 貂蝉怨
名家 : 苏春梅
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 桑园会之少女魂
名家 : 钟康祺
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 双雄震九洲
名家 : 任剑辉
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 西施
名家 : 任剑辉
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 审死官
名家 : 马师曾
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 西施
名家 : 梁醒波
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 玉麒麟
名家 : 梁淑卿
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 思凡
名家 : 红线女
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 清宫恨史
名家 : 红线女
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 审死官
名家 : 红线女
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 双雄震九洲
名家 : 凤凰女
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 西施
名家 : 白雪仙
种类 : 粤剧

作品 : 吟盡楚江秋
名家 : 甘明超
種類 : 粵曲

作品 : 痴云
名家 : 甘明超
種類 : 粵曲

作品 : 易水送荊軻
名家 : 梁玉嶸
種類 : 南粵

[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:CCW 2005/06/04(星期六) 21:10:17


[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:CO迷 2005/06/06(星期一) 18:29:07

方先 生; 点解以上的頻道; 在歐洲入唔到嘅 ?

[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:方炳和 2005/06/07(星期二) 01:02:53 [MAIL]




[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:方炳和 2005/06/07(星期二) 01:15:40 [MAIL]

CCW 先生:

[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:tony 2005/06/09(星期四) 01:49:01


[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:方炳和 2005/06/09(星期四) 18:46:38 [MAIL]


[No.1628 回覆] 回覆:粤剧(视频)选段欣赏 From:tony 2005/06/10(星期五) 00:04:34


[No.1634] 無題 From:戲迷 2005/06/09(星期四) 11:57:50


[No.1632] 粵曲[佛山頌] From:网上有心人 2005/06/08(星期三) 14:29:47 [MAIL]



[No.1632 回覆] 回覆:粵曲[佛山頌] From:sam 2005/06/08(星期三) 20:44:49

thank you for helping

for months, discussion were held and plenty of comments made on this matter. Eventually a 曲友求曲區 was set up. Conditions to make requests were laid down. Lately even the main page had to be changed to accomodate people who somehow refuse to enjoy the fun of surfing.

I am sure it is better to be self sufficent than to be spoon fed

[No.1632 回覆] 回覆:粵曲[佛山頌] From:方炳和 2005/06/08(星期三) 23:52:22 [MAIL]



[No.1632 回覆] 回覆:粵曲[佛山頌] From:方炳和 2005/06/09(星期四) 00:05:25 [MAIL]



[No.1632 回覆] 回覆:粵曲[佛山頌] From:方炳和 2005/06/09(星期四) 00:41:56 [MAIL]

《佛山頌》曲谱下载 MP3下载

[No.1633] 無題 From:sam 2005/06/08(星期三) 20:36:40

that would be my next demand, louis.

i am a reasonable person. I would not ask for this till ahlap satisfy my first demand, oops, I mean request.

[No.1630] 电台粤剧欣赏 From:jack 2005/06/06(星期一) 18:42:19


您好! 麻烦您更新【电台粤剧欣赏】栏目,谢谢!

[No.1630 回覆] 回覆:电台粤剧欣赏 From:阿立 2005/06/07(星期二) 23:47:41


[No.1630 回覆] 回覆:电台粤剧欣赏 From:sam 2005/06/08(星期三) 09:13:25

I want this done everyday before I get up please ahlap

[No.1630 回覆] 回覆:电台粤剧欣赏 From:阿立 2005/06/08(星期三) 09:23:49


[No.1630 回覆] 回覆:电台粤剧欣赏 From:louis 2005/06/08(星期三) 19:39:13

Sam That will be perfect if you are being served with breakfast in bed!!

[No.1629] 鄧碧雲的網頁 From:ada 2005/06/06(星期一) 16:21:51 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1629 回覆] 回覆:鄧碧雲的網頁 From:123 2005/06/08(星期三) 16:47:08


[No.1631] 曲目故事內容 From:CWY 2005/06/07(星期二) 11:32:49 [MAIL]


[No.1631 回覆] 回覆:曲目故事內容 From:阿立 2005/06/07(星期二) 23:58:41


[No.1631 回覆] 回覆:曲目故事內容 From:sam 2005/06/08(星期三) 09:12:36

i also want an eBay. Online shopping would be good too.

[No.1626] 有关【电台粤曲欣赏】栏的更新 From:jack 2005/06/04(星期六) 09:56:10


您好! 最近发觉【电台粤曲欣赏】栏更新时间比以前慢了,以前是一星期左右更新一次,现在一星期过后还没有更新。 比如说,今天已经是6月4日了,该栏中登载的最新粤曲还是5月24日的。

[No.1626 回覆] 回覆:有关【电台粤曲欣赏】栏的更新 From:阿立 2005/06/04(星期六) 14:38:31


[No.1627] 可以直接上传歌曲吗? From:sandy 2005/06/04(星期六) 12:09:52 [MAIL]


[No.1625] 电脑屏保 From:Candy 2005/06/04(星期六) 03:55:19 [MAIL] [HOME]


[No.1624] 这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:老黄 2005/06/03(星期五) 18:52:28 [MAIL]


中板 快中板 慢中板 反线中板 乙反中板 恋坛中板
七字清中板 反线十字清中板
慢板 二黄慢板 反线二黄慢板 乙反二黄慢板 乙反长句二黄慢板 士工慢板 梆子慢板 河调慢板 乙反恋檀慢板
二黄 反线二黄 乙反二黄 长句二黄 滴珠二黄 十字二黄 教子腔二黄
二流 反线二流 长句二流 快打慢二流
滚花 长句滚花 合尺滚花 反线滚花 乙反滚花 乙反长句滚花 沉腔滚花
首板 二黄首板 梆子首板
南音 乙反南音 流水南音 乙反流水南音 扬州南音 解心腔南音
木鱼 苦喉木鱼
西皮 苦喉西皮


[No.1624 回覆] 回覆:这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:ming 2005/06/03(星期五) 19:27:25





[No.1624 回覆] 回覆:这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:老黄 2005/06/03(星期五) 19:51:19


[No.1624 回覆] 回覆:这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:老黄 2005/06/03(星期五) 19:57:18


[No.1624 回覆] 回覆:这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:老黄 2005/06/03(星期五) 20:03:48


[No.1624 回覆] 回覆:这些是否都是粤曲之“梆黄”? From:也是黄 2005/06/04(星期六) 00:39:03

还有 "揺板" 哩! 陳嘉慧作的 "梨园歸夢南山隐" 平喉唱了一段, 很动聽. 据说是粤劇院的新創作. 請问可有前輩高人能詳细解釋"揺板"的來龍去脈? 先謝!

[No.1623] 請問有工尺譜嗎 From:珍珍 2005/06/03(星期五) 17:17:12 [MAIL]

最近我們將會為長者演出.協助我們演奏的長者因看不懂簡譜, 故此現正努力找尋工尺譜給他, 以方便他的演出. 演出曲目為 - 《金不換》(又名蔭華山). 如能找到此工尺譜, 祈望能傳真給我. 傳真號碼:27610607.

[No.1623 回覆] 回覆:請問有工尺譜嗎 From:ming 2005/06/03(星期五) 19:36:49



[No.1622] 無題 From:wpclement 2005/06/01(星期三) 05:33:56

HI AhLap:

Song #4077 there is something garbled in page NO.2. Would you fix it please.

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/06/01(星期三) 13:31:21

I can't fix it because I posted what I received.
Maybe qq canl help you.

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/01(星期三) 19:14:49

i have tried to get a clearer copy to Ah-lap. please realise that Ahlap can only do so much for us.

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/06/02(星期四) 09:19:20

Thanks your work. Your copy was posted.

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:qq 2005/06/02(星期四) 11:07:49

Sam, you did a good Job. Thanks!
I am going to fly you some more Song Sheets
to clear up.....Ha hahaha..... :-)

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:qq 2005/06/02(星期四) 11:27:20

你致敬, Thank you...

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:qq 2005/06/02(星期四) 11:30:45

Sorry, 文字更正, 應該如下:
立哥好有禮貌,如果他"怕" 辛苦.......

[No.1622 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:sam 2005/06/02(星期四) 17:47:20

i actually hate ahlap. How can he be so polite and patient???........lap kor, 'one laugh' only

[No.1617] 粤曲邦黄有多少 From:老黄 2005/05/29(星期日) 17:05:21 [MAIL]


[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:sam 2005/05/29(星期日) 20:07:37

no dictionary in this whole world would dare to claim to have all items in it.

i do not see any claim made by ahlap saying that 粤曲的邦黄就是这里所列的十五种. Constructive contributions are always welcomed.

[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:qq 2005/05/30(星期一) 12:47:08

Sam哥 收貓呀.....!

[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:sam 2005/05/30(星期一) 20:56:39

qq, you are beautiful

[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:ming 2005/05/31(星期二) 09:08:10


[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:ming 2005/05/31(星期二) 09:09:45


[No.1617 回覆] 回覆:粤曲邦黄有多少 From:sam 2005/06/01(星期三) 19:17:55

qq I took liberty to change your 艷陽丹鳳 lyrics. Sorry la

[No.1621] 中大同學粵曲唱聚 From: 2005/06/01(星期三) 01:37:01 [MAIL] [HOME]



免費入場, 欲免向隅,請致電香港中文大學戲曲資料中心預留座位
你亦可以電郵留座, 請把姓名,聯絡方法和留座數目寄至boazchow@yahoo.com


[No.1620] 無題 From:小玉 2005/05/31(星期二) 23:58:28 [MAIL]


[No.1620 回覆] 回覆:無題 From:阿立 2005/06/01(星期三) 01:04:17


[No.1619] alapworld.com From:JOEJOE 2005/05/31(星期二) 15:33:52


alapworld.com 的連結好像有點問題,時有時無,一天內出現了多次,感覺上又不像你正在做maintenance.

[No.1619 回覆] 回覆:alapworld.com From:阿立 2005/05/31(星期二) 17:07:10

多謝告知,我想你也知道,其實本網站一共有三個 servers, 其中alapworld.com 表現一直强差人意,令我十分煩惱,所以我先前才决定將所有 cgi 的程式搬離,alapworld.com祇用於非媒體的用途,但昨天我將「電台粵曲選錄」內的 rm 歌曲全加上 wma放在alapworld.com處,我預計效果會不太好,但由於有 rm共用,所以也孤且試試,你指的「連結好像有點問題」,是不是就是指「電台粵曲選錄」新加的 wma?
ahlap.com 初登記時也有同樣的問題,但過了一段時間便穩定下來,希望alapworld.com也是如此。

[No.1619 回覆] 回覆:alapworld.com From:JOEJOE 2005/05/31(星期二) 22:43:29


我所指的是以下的 links.

Left Frame的alapworld.com有關 link 的時候,Right
Frame 出現 "無法顯示"。
至於內容裡的wma反而正常,只要right frame 有顯示,則無論wma或rm, 都能順利download.

有一點值得留意,"相片集" 和 "相關網頁" 同屬alapword.com,卻從未出事。

立哥,我以前也曾遇到同樣情形:html coding 是肯定沒錯的,偏就是在某server頭痛,別的不會。後來
URL 全部轉為lower case, 不用"-", 馬上不藥而癒。
舉例說: http://alapworld.com/radio_3/Radio_3_Helen.htm

我無法說明具體原因,只能認為某些server對某種不規則format 會間歇性抗拒而已。

[No.1619 回覆] 回覆:alapworld.com From:阿立 2005/06/01(星期三) 00:46:42


[No.1616] 網頁指南 From:tony 2005/05/27(星期五) 23:52:22

Coluld you explain once more about the following details in your "重要事項" 內----"未得網主同意,留言不可連結至歌曲檔案。" I can't really understnad what it means.

[No.1616 回覆] 回覆:網頁指南 From:JOEJOE 2005/05/28(星期六) 01:06:28




[No.1616 回覆] 回覆:網頁指南 From:阿立,阿藍 2005/05/29(星期日) 10:09:38

這是一個很好的問題,非常多謝 Joejoe代為答覆,或者我們在這裡作出一點兒補充。
因為所有在本站留言的曲友,都可以利用一個叫「超連結」的 html 碼功能,將某一首歌曲放在某一個屬於自己的伺服器內,流覽者祇須點擊一下,便可下載及收聽,正如 Joejoe 所給的例子便是。亦即是說,任何曲友,都可透過本網站的留言板或討論區等,將任何歌曲上網,包括一些唱片公司為某老倌最新灌錄的 CD。

[No.1615] 無題 From:求知 2005/05/27(星期五) 16:37:21


[No.1614] 7049 From:sam 2005/05/26(星期四) 14:50:06

ah-lap, 7049 is actually 7048. Please correct

[No.1614 回覆] 回覆:7049 From:阿立 2005/05/26(星期四) 20:15:02


[No.1613] 曲詞3040 7045 7050 From:wpclement 2005/05/26(星期四) 14:05:27


[No.1613 回覆] 回覆:曲詞3040 7045 7050 From:阿立 2005/05/26(星期四) 20:14:29


[No.1611] 深圳及廣州的粵曲社 From:阿朱 2005/05/25(星期三) 23:08:50 [MAIL]

以前常到深圳昌湖大廈的粵曲社唱歌﹐記得整座大廈都是曲社來的。但最近這兩年都未去過﹐上星期想上去唱歌﹐卻驚聞已經搬了﹐請問曲友們可有廣州及深圳的曲社地址、電話?可否email 給阿朱?先謝謝.....

[No.1611 回覆] 回覆:深圳及廣州的粵曲社 From:louis 2005/05/26(星期四) 11:26:40

Hi 阿朱:

深圳昌湖大廈的粵曲社 should be still operating. We went there in January this year and had good time there. The free shuttle bus runs frequently bewteen 深圳 station & 昌湖. The bus stop locates in the same old spot at 深圳 station in teh undercovered carpark. The cost starts from HK1000/4 hours. We did not make a booking and just walked into one of them. Most of the old ones are still operating. There are about 6+ studios.

We also went to the Moon Kong Hung Opera School in Canton. The contacts can be found in their web site attached to Alap's world. The cost was HK850/4 hours. You need to pre-book and the set length of a session is 4 hours either in the afternoon or evening. Mr. Siu had referred us to another one in the city centre (the Walking Street) which locates on the first floor of the Ping On Cinema. Pre-booking is also required. We walked past one afternoon and tried our luck without booking with no luck - there was nobody playing insdie. It appears to us that unlike those in Shenzchen, the two commercial studios in Canton seem not having too many business.

If you want further info, you are welcome to email pinpin at
We can send you the contact numbers as requested. Cheers louis

[No.1611 回覆] 回覆:深圳及廣州的粵曲社 From:阿朱 2005/05/26(星期四) 19:44:47 [MAIL]

Hello, Louis.

Many thanks for your help.

[No.1612] 曲詞集连接有误 From:Candy 2005/05/25(星期三) 23:26:41 [MAIL]

《曲詞集》第二页的6018 白蛇傳之遊湖、6019 玉梨魂之剪情和6023 章臺柳之賣箭的连接都失败,请即使更正,多谢!

[No.1612 回覆] 回覆:曲詞集连接有误 From:阿立 2005/05/26(星期四) 00:00:14


[No.1602] 合兵破曹 From:朦查查 2005/05/24(星期二) 15:07:55


請可否從新連接曲詞集內的合兵破曹, 聽不到.....

[No.1602 回覆] 回覆:合兵破曹 From:阿立 2005/05/24(星期二) 22:21:27


[No.1602 回覆] 回覆:合兵破曹 From:矇查查 2005/05/25(星期三) 22:08:47


[No.1610] 有個建議 From:SOSO 2005/05/24(星期二) 22:31:01


[No.1610 回覆] 回覆:有個建議 From:阿立 2005/05/24(星期二) 22:41:45

在 yahoo 打「阿立粵曲」,便應可順利找到,不知國內是否有別的問題?

[No.1610 回覆] 回覆:有個建議 From:SOSO 2005/05/24(星期二) 23:05:32


[No.1610 回覆] 回覆:有個建議 From:SOSO 2005/05/24(星期二) 23:23:51


[No.1610 回覆] 回覆:有個建議 From:老黄 2005/05/25(星期三) 20:06:26


[No.1601] 中大同學粵曲唱聚 From: 2005/05/23(星期一) 14:37:31 [MAIL] [HOME]




免費入場, 欲免向隅,請致電香港中文大學戲曲資料中心預留座位
